Thursday, November 15, 2007

Nova, Nova, More Nova

But first, let me thank the federal government for waiting to charge Barry Bonds with perjury until right before Pardon the Interruption was about to start, ensuring ESPN would instead conduct nothing but coverage and discussion of that garbage, and a big fuck you to ESPN for conducting said discussion and coverage. Call me when the government actually proves Bonds did something they say he did. Until then, it's just annoying.

That aside, let's talk about Nova #8. I think I've figured out what I meant by "jagged", when describing the art. At times, Nova looks like he doesn't fit. Inside Knowhere, it seems to be because he's bright and colorful, and the place itself is dark and gloomy, and reminds me a bit of that spaceship the face-hugger was in from Alien. It doesn't seem the proper setting for a colorful, dashing space hero. But the other part of it was that the inking during the part where Rich was in the Rip seems especially heavy, making Nova stand out against the backdrop of all those crazy vortexes. It feels like looking at a Photoshopped image, like Rich was somewhere else, picked up, and then placed there instead, but he doesn't fit. There's some interesting potential meaning there.

In other news, I had an idea that we hadn't seen Rich's actual eyes since he left Earth, just those blue headlights he often has, or the TV static effect the Phalanx caused. Well, upon actually checking, we've been able to see Rich's pupils in every issue for at least one panel, though they were still partially obscured by Phalanx static in Nova #6. So that's out the window. I would be curious to see when his pupils are visible, try and detect a pattern. Seems to be shock most of the time.

Finally, what could decapitate a Celestial?


Jason said...

And to think that I was all happy that the A-Rod saga had wrapped up early so I wouldn't have to hear about that all off-season, now we get stuck with this shit. I know Bonds is bent as fuck, but man, couldn't they just throw him in Gitmo so we don't ever have to hear about it again? Looks like I'm skipping all national sports radio/TV for the duration.

Back on-topic: didn't notice the "jaggedness" abou tthe art, but after a quick look-through, I do see it.

As for what decapitates a Celestial? All I know is that I agree with Cosmo, I'm just glad I wasn't there when it happened.

Also, what are your thoughts on Giffen's DC exclusive? I'm glad to see him get some recognition and I hope he gets to do some good things over there, but man, that means no more Giffen-written Star Lord for at least two years. That makes me upset, very upset.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Reed did it.

He killed himself the dreaming Celestial once.

Anonymous said...

At least it's not quite as bad as when TO "tried to kill himself". Good Lord.

As for the decapitated Celestial, Jason beat me to the punch. Never trust a telepathic Russian canine.

CalvinPitt said...

jason: Giffen signed a DC exclusive?! Damn it. That makes me sad as well.

bret: I think you could be right about that. If anyone knows how, it would be Reed.

anonymous: Hmm, what we need is a close-up of the dog looking shiftly back and forth, so that we know he's evil.