Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Well, Scratch That idea

I was going to do a post asking if you thought this new Will Smith movie I Am Legend was a remake of The Omega Men, but then I actually bothered to check IMDB first, and yeah, looks like it is. So never mind that, then.

I was surprised to see the apocalyptic world of The Omega Men was due to biological, and not nuclear weapons, although by the '70s nukes maybe weren't such a big concern. Nobody got nuked during the Cuban Missile Crisis, so we're all gonna be OK, right? Plus, I've only seen part of The Omega Men, some time years ago, so what I knew about the movie was mostly me trying to piece things together from The Simpsons Halloween Special, "The Homega Men", where everything was destroyed by nukes. Nukes from France, no less. Funny, I thought France only nuked pretty places, not holes like Springfield. But I digress.

Can you digress if you didn't really have a point in the first place? I suppose if not having a point was the point, and you had digressed onto something with a point you could be considered to have digressed, but I'm not sure that's actually possible. Agh! Brain lock!

I am interested in I Am Legend, at any rate, to the point I'll likely actually go to the theaters and watch it, a rare occurrence. Not the first weekend, but maybe the work week after the first weekend. Shouldn't be too busy at that point.

It just seems like it could be interesting, though knowing me, I'll be more interested in the earlier parts, where we see how Smith survives alone in New York, than I will be when the conflict actually ramps up. I seem to be odd like that, especially with comedies. Office Space, for example, loses me at the point they put their Superman 3 plan into gear and everything starts to go to hell. Heck, I like the first half of Armageddon, because I think it's funny. I laugh at a Bruce Willis chasing Affleck with a shotgun, our heroes' demands in exchange for saving the world, a few other things. But once they go into space, all bets are off, and I wind up changing the channel. I'm not certain what that means. My guess would be that there plots were not entertaining to me, and so I was most interested in the collection of scenes that serve as set-up for the central plot and primary characterizations of both movies.

Huh, and here I didn't think I had anything to post on tonight. Well I sure showed me!


Anonymous said...

They're both based off the same book, as opposed to being direct remakes, actually, as is Vincent Price's "The Last Man on Earth". The book, shockingly, is called I Am Legend, is less than 200 pages, and is really good. Ending is clever too.

Well worth reading.

Marc Burkhardt said...

Yeah, it's a great book.

The author, Richard Matheson, was also responsible for The Incredible Shrinking Man, Duel and The Legend of Hell House!

Good stuff!!!

LEN! said...

Matheson was also responsible for one of the most well-known episodes of [i]The Twilight Zone[/i], "Terror at 20,000 Feet."

Like Bret and The Fortress Keeper, I've read the book. It is a short novel, but its execution is incredible. Probably the most unique way of playing the aspect of man against nature.

I only have two, very simple things that I absolutly want to see from the new movie:

1. The climax of the book.

2. That one phrase that's yelled every night, over and over again.

joncormier said...

I've also read the book and was extremely impressed by it. For something really short it was engaging and entertaining - not mind blowing but certainly kept me reading.

I can't see a Will Smith going for the ending in the book but you never know.

Also, I know they've changed some aspect (setting for one) which I can live with, but it now looks like Will Smith is a doctor which totally removes the core conflict of the story with an everyman trying to figure out just what happened.

Jason said...

I'll add myself to the list of people recommending the book. It's very good. The only problem is that it's been ripped off so many times that it may not feel very "new". It's like watching Citizen Kane for the first time after having seen every single scene in the Simpsons (in one way or the other).

I am looking forward to the movie. making him a doctor doesn't change too much for me, I have faith in the film-makers that it'll be pretty true to the source material.