Sunday, November 25, 2007

Save The World - But Only Once

In honor of the appearance of the Terminus Device, which as far as I can tell has never been mentioned in Marvel history before last week's What If?, I am putting forth a little exercise. I would like you to devise some sort of universe/planet/city/day-saving thing. Give it a name, and describe the specific threat that would lead to its introduction to the comic lexicon (whichever particular universe you want it to appear in). It can be magic, or super-science, or whatever.

I'll start, and mine will be deployed by either Captain Marvel or Dr. Strange, depending on what universe we're in. Or Hellboy. Or GrimJack (he fought weird mystical enemies, too). The weapon will only reveal itself on the day that Ra's eye again assumes the form of Hathor and begins to slaughter everyone. Last time, Ra was able to trick Hathor with a lot of beer died blood red, which Hathor drank until she got wasted and forgot she was killing everyone.

Well, Hathor is a teetotaler now, so you're not going to stop her with booze that looks like blood. What we need is something else to put get her out of her genocidal mood. Enter. . . the Pie of Amon! Made from the body of Amon, this looks like a massive, delicious pie. Made of people (it's actually cherry). Hathor won't be able to resist (because how can a god bent on killing everyone and wading in their blood not want to eat a pie made of people?), and by the time she's finished eating the Pie, she'll be too full to want to get up and slaughter everyone anymore. And so the day, is saved. For another few eternities, until the next time Hathor goes on the prowl, at which point a new strategy will be required.

So there you have it. Clearly, I have established that this is not an entirely serious endeavor, but it can be if you want. If you want to place your ideas in the comments, or on your own blog, and just link to it in the comments, it's all good.


SallyP said...


I...uh...I don't know what it would do exactly, but I want to call my one-shot device a Deus Ex Machinator!

Anonymous said...

The Anti-Science ray. It fires concentrated Anti-Science particles that break down some villian's science based world ruling scheme. Its science devised nature causes it to dissolve on use.

CalvinPitt said...

sallyp: Ah, a classic name, and very marketable! The name tells you everything you need to know about the product.

anonymous: That is brilliant. You are truly the master.