I'm guessing that David Aja only drew three pages of this month's offering so that he has time to do the majority, if not all of next month's big conclusion. As it is, he draws what were probably the most important three pages, since they're what really kicks things into gear. For some reason, Kano's work in the issue reminds me a little of Bruce Timm in the faces, and a little of Joe Kubert, though that might be the inking (which I think is done by himself, if the credits are any indication) more than anything. I'm not as big a fan of Tonci Zonjic's work, which makes up the majority of the issue, though I though it was funny that the way he draws Jerwyn reminds me of Bill from King of the Hill.
I like the confrontation between Lei Kung and Davos, if not how it was drawn (lacked energy, but they were probably just sparring, so that's not so bad). I'm wondering if there'll be any arrivals to the battle in next month's that weren't hinted at in this issue. Any surprise guests, assembling on the battleground perhaps? Ah, probably not, and the comic probably couldn't contain that much outstanding. It's this glossier paper they use these days. It makes colors stand out more, but it's just not as absorbent when it comes to awesomeness and the like.
Aw heck, I DID miss you.
I was getting afraid, and kept expecting to see a headline that said, "Missouri Man, Adorable Baby Panda Bear, Arrested for Repeatedly Bonking the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.(Not a Euphemism)"
Anyway, the last two pages of Iron Fist were damn cool.
sallyp: Well great, now you've got me blushing. That could kill me you know. I have a condition.
jason: Well, it was looking pretty dire there for a bit, but Deadpool used his credentials as a registered hero (plus the knowledge of SHIELD's transporting symbionts through Manhattan) to get ABP cut loose.
Then ABP made Wade come back for me later.
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