Saturday, July 12, 2008

I Imagine We'll Be Seeing Them Again

So Ted Kord went back to the moment Max was going to put one in his brain, and (as far as we know) went ahead and bit the bullet. And thus erased the timeline where OMACs wiped out most of the heroes to suit Max Lord's "Destroy all metahumans except ME!" madness. Setting aside the shadowy figure breaking into Kord Industries and "Bwa-ha-ha"ing, what's the fate of the Time Stealers?

I can't imagine that their team-up was undone by Ted Kord getting killed. Saving Ted Kord was just another step in their master plan, and I doubt that Rip was talking about them when he told Booster he'd been busy sealing the last few holes in the dam. Actually, since that whole timeline was erased, does that mean Mr. Mind is still out there on the loose? Ted squished him, but did that still happen? Of course, if the choice is between one Mr. Mind, or however many of his children avoided death in that battle, I'll take the single villain, thank you.

Then there's Per Degaton. He's used to traveling through time, and has at least one time recently not lost his memories of what happened when swatted back to 1947 (if Wikipedia is to be believed), so he could still remember all this, right? I'm not sure what he might choose to do with that information. Get more allies? Try again, alone, figuring with fewer individuals involved, he can fly under the radar longer? Maybe he'd try and recruit the bestial Despero this time around, for more firepower*? Maybe that's where Hank Henshaw comes in (assuming that was him in that panel on the last page). It's most likely they've just withdrawn to some place out of time to set up their next big scheme.

One other thing. The last page that previewed the upcoming stories, if Johns isn't going to be the writer, then how does he know what to hint at? It made sense with Justice Society, since he's still writing that, so does this mean they've already plotted out the next year? Maybe Johns will write the book under a pseudonym! I don't know why he would do that, but I guess he can do it if he wants. Or maybe Jurgens has been in contact with the future writers, and Johns had nothing to do with it. That would actually be kind of neat, since Johns would be finding out about what's coming the same time as the rest of us (more or less).

* I've been trying to decide why they didn't take that more powerful Despero, and the best I can figure is whoever put them together was worried about being able to control him in that form.


SallyP said...

Now there you go again, using your cursed logic! I imagine, that all the Time Stealers are going to pop up again at some point, because that's the sort of thing that they do. I also don't know if that is actually Ted breaking into Kord Industries, or something more sinister.

But won't it be fun to find out?

CalvinPitt said...

sallyp: I imagine it will be fun to see what they're up to.

And I don't think that was Ted breaking into Kord Industries, unless time travel somehow unhinged him, which I guess could happen. He saw his death, it made him crazy, these things happen.