Friday, May 07, 2010

2010 Cape Comic Con Photo Post

As promised, photos from this year's convention. Mostly people in their costumes, as that's pretty much all I took pictures of. First though, I want to show the Nova Terry Huddleston drew for me. You can click on the pictures, none of the images are large. It's a really nice picture, isn't it?
As usual, I'm jealous of people who can draw so well, so fast. Up next, we have Pyramid Head from Silent Hill 2 with Rorschach. Which leads me to wonder what Rorschach's version of Silent Hill would be. It seems to become each person's personal hell, so he'd be reminded of times he compromised, or times he regretted not compromising? Alex said he thought Pyramid Head wore stilts of differing lengths, which gave him the odd, dragging gait Pyramid Head typically moves with.
Rorschach was there Saturday, but Sunday his inspiration showed up. I should have asked what the mask was made of, but I'm not sure I could have heard him. Then again, he had a buddy with him, perhaps designated responder/guide dog. He asked me to hold on, because Vic had a prop, a tabloid mag, which fueled his conspiracies. So he's Justice League Unlimited Question.
The fellow in the red shirt is Brian Rhodes, creator of Mike and the Ninja, and that's his ninja standing in front of the table, ready to dispense stickers, bookmarks, and fliers to all who make eye contact. Don't doubt his blinding speed and skill, as Alex would attest, he can pass things out faster than the eye can follow. OK, maybe not that fast, but he does it with style, that's for certain.Next up, the Mad Hatter and Alice. Hatter is just aware of me standing there with the camera and is trying to alert Alice so they can pose. I prefer to snap pictures when they don't know. I think because I don't intrude on them that way. They go about their business, I get my photo, nobody's bothered. I don't have anything else to say, except Alex and his sister are both big fans of the recent movie, as they have posters for it up all over their apartment. They placed the Mad Hatter in the bathroom, which is not particularly something I want looking at me when nature calls.
Thumbs up to you too, Cap! Captain America was there with Ms. Marvel (in the background), and their two kids, Nightwing and Spider-Girl. I'm not sure what the shield is made out of, but not styrofoam or anything similar. Sadly, I didn't see him ricochet it off anybody's head. Maybe if someone dressed up as an AIM scientist. . .
Rounding it out are a couple other cosplayers from Sunday, going Silver Age on us with Superboy and the Insect Queen. I'm glad I heard her explain who she was to someone else, because I was guessing Queen Bee, if I had any guess at all.


Shane said...

The stilts were actually the same length but they were HEAVY, hence the shambling gait. Also Captain America's disc was made from a circular sled. Thanks for posting these pics!

CalvinPitt said...

Shane: Thanks for the info, and I'm glad you like the pictures.