Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I'm Hoping Max Doesn't Have That Large A Blind Spot

Countdown to Infinite Crisis had the reveal that Max Lord was running Checkmate, he'd hijacked/been given by Alex Luthor Batman's spy satellite (good going Batman!), and was using its data for OMACs to use to kill, well, whoever, really. All because, best I recall, Max had a bug up his butt about there being too many metahumans, and they needed to be dealt with some the fate of humankind was in the hands of humans.

How was Max planning to deal with the fact he's a metahuman? Really, the Green Lanterns are more human (less metahuman, whatever) than him, they just wearing awesome jewelry*. The Booster Gold arc where Booster saved Ted, Max says that once the metahumans are gone, he'll turn Brother Eye off, but if the mission is to eliminate metahumans, well, it can't stop until Max is gone. The simplest explanation is Max was a power-hungry loon who justifies his continued survival under some belief that he's necessary, or he saved the world, so he gets to live, or that he won't be alter humanity's path like all those pushy capes.

I imagine Max had some failsafe to protect himself, but it would have been appropriate if he had tried to shut Brother Eye down, only to hear, "I'm sorry, but I can't do that, Max**", then an OMAC decapitates him or something. Or sets him adrift into space, if I'm sticking with the 2001 theme.

* Unless the DCU counts lots of willpower as a metahuman ability. Does it?

** I guess that should be "Eye'm sorry, but Eye can't do that, Max." That was an annoying tic they gave that satellite.


joe ackerman said...

I thought Wonder Woman killed Maxwell Lord. . .

Matthew said...

He got better.

Seangreyson said...

I'll admit I never read countdown to infinite crisis, but the basic gist of this plot sounds a little bit like the old Captain Britain plot from the early 80's (not sure if it was Moore or Clairmont writing it), with a British government guy creating the Fury to destroy superhumans. In the end the guy who created the Fury turned out to be superhuman, and was eventually destroyed by his creation.

So if it was following the similar plot arc, maybe something similar might have happened.

SallyP said...

Dammit Max, why can't you just be a ruthless business man liked you USED to be?

CalvinPitt said...

joe bloke: What Matthew said, though this was Max' plan before that as well. Don't know what he has planned now that he's back.

Seangreyson: I didn't know the Fury was designed sspecifically to go after superhumans. I figured it was a more general, insanely powerful killing machine.

sallyp: Maybe once he gets done wiping the world's memory of his past misdeeds (I think that's what he's about to get up to) he will. Fingers crossed?