Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hours In The Car Leave My Mind Time To Wander

One thing I find myself doing when I drive is looking at the houses along the road and wondering what it's like to live there*. Are the people happy living there? Is their house crap? Do they find its location inconvenient, is it noisy, lonely, and so on.

Given the option, would you rather live in the city or the country? You can define those how you'd like. You can approach from where you are currently in life, with a job and kids, or just a job, or look at it as where you'd live someday, if you were retired, or hell, where you would live if you had a Cosmic Cube to reshape the world to your satisfaction.

I bring up that third one because I suppose that's the tack I'm taking. Not to its extremes, where I'd use the Cube so I could live on the Sun, or find some habitable planet in another star system I could have all to myself. That's a lot of work, and besides, the habitable planet would already have life, and I'd hate to intrude, and I'd probably have to use the Cube to subjugate them so I could live safely, and that's not really a route I'd want to go. Those tactics get you punched in the face by Captain America or Mar-Vell, which might be a cool story for the kids (well getting punched by Captain America would be), but would also hurt, and I'd lose the Cube. Sorry, drifted off-topic.

If I could work near my house** I'd go for countryside, say 30 miles from a city of 50,000 people or less. It's close enough I can get there relatively easily if I need something, but if my work's near my home, I don't need to very often. I like to walk, and bike, and the countryside seems better suited for that then the city. Less traffic, though I suppose the traffic there is will be driving faster. I've dealt with that problem before, it just requires awareness, and a willingness to go off-road at a moment's notice. I also tend to think there are more photo opportunities in the country, but people with different preferences would likely disagree.

Your choice?

* The other thing I do is see roads heading into the distance and wondering if they'd lead to something cool. Which is pretty typical, I imagine, that curiosity about what's over the horizon.

** If my job was in the city, I'd live there, because commutes don't really appeal to me. Since I'm going for an ideal situation, though, my work's going to be in the countryside, which is entirely possible considering my field.

1 comment:

Seangreyson said...

I'd go for living in the city, so long as it had a good public transport and a reasonably convenient supermarket.

I wouldn't mind the country, but I think I'd run out of stuff to do.