Tuesday, October 19, 2010

DC And Its Suicide Squad Collections Are Turning Into Lucy With A Football

So DC is soliciting a Suicide Squad trade now, rather than a Showcase Edition. Which is fine, I'd rather have the color art anyway. Do you think it'll actually be released though, or will it vanish into the aether like the Showcases did the last two times they solicited those?

I ask because after the last time that happened, I reconciled to tracking down the series in back issues. If they're going to produce trades, well, that simplifies things for me a bit. Not like there aren't plenty of other series out there, thus far uncollected, for me to spend time hunting down.


Rol said...

I hope they do see print because this is one of the few DC books I've been interested in buying in months.

CalvinPitt said...

rol: Third time is the charm, right? This and Hitman are the only series I'm interested in DC seems to be releasing collections for.