Saturday, October 02, 2010

The Villain Who Laughs

Question: What comic book villain do you think has the best evil villain laugh?

Not crazy giggling, or hysterical laughter, such as one might hear from the Joker or Arcade. I'm thinking more of a deep, ominous laugh, heard as the villain prepares their latest plan, or as the clincher after they've explained how utterly futile the hero's attempts to stop them were.

The problem I'm having is, as I think of villains who might have such a laugh, I keep realizing it doesn't seem appropriate for them to laugh that way. I can't see Darkseid or Thanos being big on the laughter, and I bet Lex has a sort of insane cackle, which is why he rarely laughs, because it's a break in his decorum. Dr. Doom might chuckle dryly, but again, booming laughter seems out of place. Norman Osborn falls into the "crazy laughter" category, what with him being nuts. Dr. Polaris might be a good candidate. Maybe Loki, though he strikes me as a giggler, someone who can't quite contain how pleased he is with his own cleverness.

It's probably some mid-tier villain. One who really wants to be top-notch, has the style, has flair, and certainly thinks they're hot stuff, but can't quite break through. I'm sure Mysterio can bust out a good villain laugh, just as a part of his showmanship. The original Hobgoblin, Roderick Kingsley, too. He wasn't crazy, but I know he'd laugh when he thought Spider-Man was eliminated.


joe ackerman said...

nah, it's the Green Goblin, surely. the first one.

CalvinPitt said...

joe bloke: I've always pegged Norman as a "crazy laughter" guy myself, if only because he so often seems off his nut. That's going entirely off appearances since he returned at the end of the Clone Saga, so not a complete picture of him. Now that I think of it though, there definitely wouldn't be any concerns about his being too restrained to let out a good laugh.

Matthew said...

I don't know if he has ever so much as spoken, but I bet the Anti-Monitor could laugh evilly enough to set atmospheres on fire.

Actually, you know who'd have a great evil laugh? Possessed Superman.

CalvinPitt said...

Matthew: The Anti-Monitor definitely spoke during Crisis on the Infinite Earths. Quite a lot actually, since he was written by Marv Wolfman. I don't recall laughing in the few issues I read, but I imagine you're right.

Menshevik said...

Since he practices most, I'll go for Senor Senior Senior. ;-)