Tuesday, October 03, 2006


It kind of figures that on a night when I went to bed before 11 (because I had a plant ID exam at 8 in the morning), that I wouldn't actually fall asleep until after 1:30 a.m. Don't know why, just couldn't go to sleep. As such, this day is really starting to drag me down.

But we must push on, lest we cost ourselves victory, like the Chargers at the Pass of the Playcalling of Schottenheimer. So maybe it's just me, but I think Zatara should be expecting trouble from animal rights groups after his show in Teen Titans #39.

After all, Zatara, isn't it true that you turned doves into light? That you took a living breathing creature of matter, and converted it into energy, in the form of visible light? What gives you the right to kill those creatures, simply for the amusement of some slack-jawed gawkers?!

(chest heaves with self-righteous fury)

You're in serious trouble buddy. They've got you for animal cruelty with malice aforethought. Well, maybe not malice, but you knew what you were going to do to them when you went out on that stage. You could get a fine, maybe even jail time with the number of shows you've performed that little slaughter in. You can definitely kiss your career goodbye, they'll make sure you never work again. Fortunately for you, your assistant contacted me, and I've discussed this with Jennifer Walters, and she's talked to your accusers.

If you agree to stop using doves, and start using North American-born European Starlings, they'll let you off the hook. Seriously, those things are just a pest. Why would someone believe that just because Shakespeare mentioned starlings in one line of one poem, that it's a good idea to introduce them to the native habitat {Note: that really is why the guy did it}? They can't even claim to be particularly useful, nor are they visually attractive. A complete waste of resources, so get to work turning them into pretty displays to entertain the masses, kid.

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