{Crap, can't buy food, can't buy weapon, what do you get a panda? Maybe a festive sweater? No, he has a fur coat, red and green probably clash with black and white! Agh!}
I'm sensing that it isn't going well. In the meantime, I want to Applaud Deadpool and T-Ray for reaching some kind of compromise, and another round of Applause for Wade sticking to his plan to be a better person. And some Applause for Dr. Strange, for putting Wade through this to help him on that. At least, I think that's what Strange was doing. I guess I have to Applaud Davos for winning a fight after he lost his hand. He's a jerk, blames others for his failings, and hurts others rather than face the truth about himself, but making another hand from his chi was pretty cool.
{I'm back! Here's your gift!} Oh, it's awesome, but it's kind of big! {You'll grow into it; plus it'll billow around you, so you can make dramatic exits and profiles. Plus, it'll cover some of your fur, so you can sneak about at night more easily.} Oh, HUG! {Agh! Too... much... cuteness! *thud!*} Oops. Well, he'll wake up eventually. Until then, I need to Bonk Brother Voodoo, because there was no reason to knock out Bob and make him experience nightmares. They were in a creepy swamp; Bob wasn't going to go anywhere, he would have just sat there and tried to not get eaten by zombies. And why raise people from the dead? It just got their bodies hacked up by Deadpool. Uncool. Even though I applauded him earlier, I'm still going to Bonk Davos now because he is a jerk, and because he blames others for his failings, and because he would rather beat on someone that admit the truth about himself. Also, I'm going to Bonk Mr. Xao, because this thing about threatening Jerwyn's mother has just gone on long enough. It's just rude.
{Huh? Wha happen? I feel so warm and fuzzy; it's very disquieting.} You'll be fine. I'm going to show everyone my present, so you just relax and enjoy yours. {OK. I'm not sure when we'll be able to get together again. Comics aren't in until Friday next week, and I may be out of town until then.} In that case, one more HUG! {Augh! Still too cute! *thud!*}
YES!! A Hug for Guy! He hasn't worn his hair in the old bowl cut in YEARS!
Let me just say that this is something that absolutely drives me nuts. A character goes through a variety of changes, and then an artist draws them wearing their old costume, their old hairstyle etc. etc. because they are apparently too damned lazy to go and read some back issues! But I digress...!
A bonk to Superman for being rude to Oracle. She felt bad enough already, she didn't REALLY need Superman to come in and be snotty.
A hug to that little coyote puppy that Amadeus Cho carries around with him. He's almost as cute as an adorable baby panda.
A hug to Hercules. He throws Merlot casks with SUCH flair!
A bonk to Tony Stark. And since it is the Holidays, a kick in the behind for good measure!
sallyp: Especially given that Guy has a pretty high profile these days, it shouldn't be hard to notice his hair style.
I must say, I'm a little surprised Hercules would throw wine. I'd think he'd have a high enough appreciation to throw a rock or a bus or something.
Bonks to Misty Knight and Colleen Wing for not wanting to call in "those" Avengers, even though there was an entire town in danger from Hydra.
Applause to Danny Rand for totally smacking down his mentors with the "Why, Master? What have you been up to?" line.
Hugs to Wolverine for baking Aunt May a cake (Marvel Holiday Special). I sure hope he showered off the raw sewage before getting into the kitchen though.
And most importantly, warm Christmas wishes to all!
jason: Danny does get the best lines doesn't he? I too am impressed by Wolverine's skills in the kitchen. I wonder if he baked something for Kitty after the first time Colossus broke up with her?
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