I'm not going to make any comments about what lies ahead for the blog, since I made some promises last year that didn't materialize *cough Spider-Man: Giant Slayer cough more GrimJack cough*, so lets just play it by ear. But just so you don't go away feeling like it was a waste, here's a collection of some of my favorite posts from Year 1, arranged chronologically. I figured some of you might be new readers, and haven't had the opportunity to go through the archives, so this would be an easy way to see some of the early days.
I'm so sorry for this.
Why let a character go to waste.
Mysticism in the Spider-Verse.
Remembering Casey's X-Men.
Max Lord-related stupidity.
Skewering Maximum Carnage.
Tony Stark, being sneaky.
An idea for Avengers Disassembled.
My first art examination.
Dissecting a good issue of New Avengers.
My favorite post ever.
Thinking of what could have been.
This started as Darkseid vs. Thanos, and turned into something more, I think.
Osborn vs. Osborn!
Again with Osborns, but this time, it's their hair!
Do masks make people younger?
Harmless Insanity, Ha!
I'm putting this in for the comments as much as anything.
Had to slot a book post in here somewhere.
I shouldn't make fun of the editors, but I did.
I am such a hack.
And here's the token anime post. It's still a good post.
I scare myself sometimes, I really do.
I seem to discuss Cable frequently, even though I don't much care for him. Probably a sign of a good writer.
Discussing Spider-Man's eyes!
And the story of how the blog began. It's technically a Year 2 post, but what the hell.
Congratulations! Happy Anniversary! Merry Chrismahanukwanzikaa!
...Oh, and a kiss to Adorable Baby Panda.
Congrats on another year of blogging!
Be sure to buy the ABP some ice cream to celebrate.
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