So, I hear comics don't come in until Friday the next two weeks. That's uh, that's pretty disappointing, I'm not sure how to take it. Especially considering I probably won't be in town to get my comics next week. So, so sad. But that's next week, and I guess I should focus on this week. Yeah, that's the ticket. This week, with my grand total of two comics. Odd thought: Outside of game shows, does anyone use the term "grand total" to actually refer to a large amount, or is it always used sarcastically? Either way, you'd best believe I'm using the term"spoilers" seriously here.
Deadpool, and the Rotating Guest Stars #48 - Somehow, I would expect that even shrunken, Deadpool's head would take up more space that it is on Brother Voodoo's necklace. Wade has to reach some sort of an understanding with T-Ray, before T-Ray's soul can be allowed to rejoin its body. This takes the form of a metaphysical realm fight between giant forms of the two of them, until Wade gets blasted into little pieces, at which point things get quite weird.
I have no clue what happened. Voodoo says Wade doesn't have a soul, then he and T-Ray are somehow sharing a soul, and I'm just lost. So did Wade have a soul of his own, ever? Did it only appear after he beat T-Ray and sent him spiraling through mystical realms, and if so, how did Wade get it? I just don't follow, nor do I understand why Brother Voodoo had summoned zombies to greet Wade and Bob.
Even though there were certain scenes that I liked, it doesn't work as a whole comic. At least at this point. Maybe if I get a better understanding of what was supposed to be happening, that might change. Given that he always seems to reduce my enjoyment of the title, hopefully T-Ray will stay out of the book for the final 2 issues.
Immortal Iron Fist #11 - Danny's back, just in time for HYDRA to send their train into K'un-Lun. He needs help to get back through the mystical portal he used to leave the Tournament, so it's good he has friends in the area, even if they are squabbling about whether to call in Luke's Avengers (yes they should, sez I), and whether Registration/Initiative laws are stupid (they certainly are, sez I, and no amount of dumbass
What If? stories that were released this week will convince me otherwise, so get bent, Marvel). But who cares about that, it's time for more fighting! Woot! Davos against the lady from
Mortal Kombat with the fan weapons. I think she would have done better if she'd stuck to kicking his ass, and left out the taunting.
I like the pages spent looking back at Davos before he forsook his home. My only concern is that he regards his loss to Wendell Rand as Rand being part of a conspiracy against him. For some reason, I figured Davos would chalk his loss to Wendell up to bad luck, that he'd slipped, or been distracted by the sun or something, anything that would enable to feel that Rand had somehow tricked everyone else into believing he was superior. It's still a form of self-delusion, but the level Brubaker/Fraction are ascribing to him feels a step too far. But I guess they want his hatred to go beyond just hating the Rands, to encompassing everything related to K'un-Lun. It works fine, he's angry, bitter, everything that Tiger's Beautiful Daughter said he was, it's just a thought I had.
I enjoyed this, but I would still like it to move a little faster.
And that's all there is for today.
I think this week's Deadpool Team-Up made sense in the same way that those old Roy Thomas Dr. Strange stories used to make sense - just kinda go with the flow.
Plus, I liked the "Civil War in my head" bit.
Looks like I made the right choice to skip What If after the stupid one they did for Annihilation.
Misty's reluctance to call in "those" Avengers really bugged me. I'd understand if they were on US soil, but come on, when you're in China, all bets are off. Hell, in that situation, I'd have taken the Great Lakes Avengers.
Only TWO comics? My poor poor baby. There were TONS of DC books this week. (woohoo!)
Dwayne McDuffie was really GOOD in JLA (finally!) while Superman got to be all disappointed and disapproving to Oracle in Birds of Prey, and Metomorpho got to turn down the Justice League, and Checkmate was excellent as always.
And some decent stuff actually happened in Countdown, and the third issue of Arena was good too!
But the Incredible Hercules was actually rather amusing.
iS every DC team book required to have an issue where Superman shows up and tells tehm he doesn't like their methods? He's like the MPAA of the DC universe or something.
fortress keeper: I think going with the flow sounds like a good idea, but I can't quite shake the feeling I'm missing some important point about Deadpool that Nicieza's trying to make. And that annoys me. The Civil War in his head and the ThorPool's response was pretty funny.
jason: Yeah, I think it highlights that lack of clarity about Registration, because it's an American law, but it's in concert with the international organization SHIELD, so its hard to figure where it ends. Still, there's no reason for Misty to not want more help, and it's not like she could call the Mighty Avengers to help her fugitive friends Luke and Danny.
sallyp: Well, these weeks are good for my overall budget, even if they aren't good for my blogging. I did consider picking up Incredible Herc, but I couldn't quite bring myself to do it.
jason: I wonder about that, because I thought that was Batman's role, to show up and be condescending towards other heroes. Either way, I would have liked to have seen someone (Zinda most likely) tell Supes to sod right the hell off. If he wants to ahndle everything, then he can just sacrifice his life as Clark Kent and spend all his time saving kittens and stuff.
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