Saturday, December 22, 2007

More Thoughts On The Phalanx

I've been considering what Ultron is after in the Kree Galaxy. Ultron has the Phalanx systematically going through the minds of all the Kree, looking for something. The obvious question is, what is Ultron after?

We know that Ultron has no love for humans (except for Ultron-13, who was nice, and actually loved Hank Pym.) Ultron wants to wipe humans out, and replace them with artificial lifeforms. To that end, Ultron started recording the brain patterns of various Avengers to use as templates for that new race of artificial beings. The last we saw of those, Alkhema, his estranged wife, had picked them up after Ultron got beat down by Pym. And just recently (and finally finished!), Ultron hacked into Tony Stark, took the appearance of the Wasp, and started initiating all sorts of catastrophes before being defeated, assuming that was Ultron. Given the resemblance to the Wasp, I wonder if the chip with her memory patterns might have been involved, which would suggest Alkhema, not Ultron.

Something that seemed to be important about the havoc Ultron was that they attacks were things that the Avengers had faced before. They weren't new schemes, just a bunch of old plans unleashed all at once. That suggests a lack of creativity, which is a little odd since Ultron's rarely lacked for innovation in his plans (Given the recent Mighty Avengers story, I probably shouldn't use a male pronoun for Ultron, should I?) No Ultron's in outer space, controlling the hive mind of a vast techno-organic species. It gives Ultron all the advantages that a greater, linked consciousness has, but also allows those within the group a certain level of independence, so their individual skills aren't wasted.

Maybe Ultron's decided that replacing organic life with artificial life is a poor plan, because too many valuable qualities are lost, ones that can't as yet be duplicated by his own creations. Of course, that doesn't answer the question of what's being sought after, though I thought it would when I started typing. So, moving on.

Maybe Ultron thinks the key to defeating the Technarcy lies somewhere within the Kree. The Technarcy will have to be dealt with eventually, since they'll appear to destroy the Phalanx* (*see Thursday's post for more details!); the barrier won't last forever. What that key would be, beyond "Overwhelming force", I don't know.

The one thing I can't shake is a feeling that the High Evolutionary has something to do with what Ultron's after (besides Adam Warlock, who Ultron appears to consider just an obstacle to be removed). And the thing I keep coming back to is a place I know from Thor comics called the "Black Galaxy". It's not actually a galaxy (I think); it's just a portion of space where everything is alive, including planets and stars and such. It's where Ego, The Living Planet is from, though he's the only inhabitant to achieve sentience. The High Evolutionary was very interested in that place at one time, and I can't shake the feeling that a portion of space where normally lifeless things are composed of organic molecules, and react as living things would (meaning they can defend themselves), would be of interest to an artificial being in control of a techno-organic lifeform.

Think about it. Instead of the Phalanx just being a collection of living beings, it could grow to include the very worlds they lived on, as they would be made of living matter, and so should be vulnerable to the transmode virus. There would be no way to enter Phalanx territory without the knowing it, and they could respond instantly. It'd be like Krakoa, The Living Island that the X-Men tangled with long ago, where everything is your enemy.


Jason said...

Having just re-read Ultron Unlimited, it seems like most of Ultron's plan evolve out of his "Daddy Issues" with Hank Pym. Ultron sees himself as perfect, yet he's haunted by the fact that he was created by an "imperfect" human. Thus, he's always trying to create a new, perfect race to show up his father and his creation. But he always falls short. Couldn't he have just settled with becoming a NFL quarterback or something?

CalvinPitt said...

jason: I don't know, if Todd Marinovich was any indication, Ultron would probably crash and burn once he reached the pro leagues, and got exposed to drugs and hookers, or whatever the cybernetic equivalent would be.

Anonymous said...

As Bender has shown us time andagain, the robotic equivilent to beer and hookers is: Beer and hookers.