Sunday, August 20, 2006


That's what I'm feeling, and that's what I'm giving you today. Yesterday was. . . fairly interesting, so let's hit the high points:

- Started the day by doing laundry. Because nothing says 'I'm going to do sleazy, possibly immoral things at a bachelor party!' like washing your socks. Of course it could represent the fact you're going to be unclean by the time you're finished and you need different clothes to hide that, but I digress.

- Strip malls cause traffic jams. When I conquer Europe and North America, I may have to get rid of such places.

- The soon to be married man - who we'll call Joseph Hoth - has too much free time devoted to playing World of Warcraft.

- Growler's is a pretty nice pub, though for $7.50 I was hoping for a slightly larger meatball sandwich. Oh well, free drink and fry refills. And Touch It (actual last name: Tuchit) is already on his way to being hammered courtesy of a large beer with a gnome on the label.

- Jason Isringhausen cannot stop the Chicago Cubs. That's only part of why I hate him. The nearly $9 million he's making for such ineptitude is another part of it.

- Quote of that day goes to Mr. Hoth, upon entering the casino: 'It's kind of depressing.' Indeed, all these elderly folks, some in wheelchairs, with oxygen masks, just pouring money into the slots.

- Hoth came out $14 ahead, Touch It $45 down, I've got no clue how Bess did, I was only 40 cents down, but I got cocky and blew another $3 on nickel slots. What do you mean that's cheap?! I'm a poor-ass college student! $3.40 is a freaking comic book! And I now understand how these people can sit here for hours and blow their money. It's kind of frightening, the grip it can get. Time for a free soda.

- Interesting dichotomy courtesy of Solomon and his brother Nathan. Sol won $350 between video poker, nickel slots and some 3-card poker game. Nate lost $280 playing the same games. Karma, ka, the Great Wheel, something.

- Sol tips the dealer - who had a flair for drama - $25, which the dealer may have inadvertently given back when handing him his winnings (some chips got scattered).

- Hour wait at Dave & Buster's just to get a table. Time spent playing games (and burning the $18 I had left over from the $20 I was willing to lose gambling). Of course I wound up with 598 coupons (I think I had 606 and they gypped me), so I was two short of getting the Homer Simpson plush doll. Had to settle for a Super Bouncy Ball and a lemon drop glass. Damn. Hoth picked up a Whoopee cushion and an air gun for the fiancee with the combined winnings of everyone else.

- Sol picks up the tab for dinner, which causes Nate to go on a bender. The tally: A Smirnoff, some blue margarita, and two of something called The Lethal Weapon. Surpisingly he made it to the car without puking or passing out.

- I left Hoth's house at 11:30, drove through rain for ten miles, had lightning overhead the entire trip, and made it back to Cape at 1:30. It would have been sooner but I went the wrong way on the second turn I had to make, it cost me about 7 minutes. Good thing I hadn't had anything but soda to drink.

- The thing I thought was interesting, you know how in TV and movies, the bachelor party is always the other guys ribbing the soon-to-be-married guy about how much he's going to miss single life? He's going to have to pick up after himself, remember to put the toilet seat down, and she'll be telling him what to do, and he won't be able to swear or gamble or whatever? None of that was going on. Maybe because we all know the Fiancee, and she's nice, and we know she likes to play a little poker herself, or maybe we're all just envious. Most of us are currently unattached to any lady, so we wish we were in his position.

Or maybe TV and movies are just full of crap.

- And now I think I'm going back to bed. Good night, all.

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