Monday, December 17, 2007

Just Waiting For The Right Moment?

Quick thought on Annihilation: Conquest tonight.

After Gabriel Vargas and the rest of the Starlord team stopped the Phalanx's insidious scheme to integrate the entire Kree Empire with their airborne nanotech, the Uni-Force parted ways with Gabe, since he had apparently completed the task the Uni-Force had chosen him for. What I'm wondering is, will the Uni-Force reappear later in Conquest, to turn the tide at a critical juncture?

We don't know where it went after it left Gabe, whether there was another crisis that required its attention, or even if it can get past the barrier the Phalanx have erected around their current occupation zone. Remember, part of Quasar's problem is that the barrier is cutting the Quantum Bands off from their source of power, which is why she has to try and use them sparingly, because she only has what's currently stored within them. So the barrier can definitely repel energy, which might leave the Uni-Force trapped with the rest of them.

I don't think we will see it again during the current mini-series, but it would be interesting to get a panel or two noting that the Phalanx are trying to hunt it down. It's a source of great power, which would interest them, plus we've already seen how it can combine with a member of the Phalanx and cause that being to become independent of the hive brain. That would be the sort of thing they should be concerned about, that they might want to look into capturing and isolating the Uni-Force, so that couldn't happen at a key moment. Because those sorts of things do seem to happen at the worst possible times. Or at the best possible times, depending on your perspective.


Jason said...

It is an interesting question, I had thought it might come back, but I don't know if they'd hinge the larger cross-over on a plot point that came out of one of the lead-up mini's. Even if it was the most awesome one. I just hope that once this is done more is done with the cosmic heroes (other than Nova).

Also, what do you think of Alex Maleev being named as the new Nova cover artist? Instead of covers of Nova standing, looking buff, we'll get covers of him sitting, looking depressed.

CalvinPitt said...

jason: Maleev, huh? His style seems kind of gritty for for a sleek space hero, but he has done good stuff. At least it'll be a change of pace from Granov. I'm more excited for Pelletier as the regular artist. I really liked him on Exiles.

Anonymous said...

I want to see the Uni-force bond with Groot. Or Rocket Raccoon, or Bug.

Or maybe Galactus.

CalvinPitt said...

jon h: I wonder, could the Uni-Force serve as the energy Galactus needs to sustain himself? That would be kind of cool.

Of course, Rocket Raccoon with cosmic powers would be pretty awesome too.