Saturday, March 15, 2008

Respect The Teen Hero Teams!

One of the things I enjoyed with this week's Nova was Rich's respectful attitude towards Warlock's old buddies, the New Mutants. First, he tells Warlock that he'd heard they did OK. Then he gets in Tyro's face when he started speaking poorly of them. Although Rich might have been responding to Tyro speaking poorly of humans in general, though Tyro's attitude in that regard is fairly understandable. Humans have lifeglow, so to the Technarcy, they're just food, which is not a perspective that would breed respect, I would imagine. Oops, went off-topic.

Still, it was nice to see that Rich understands that when you haven't seen your friends in a long time, the last thing you want to hear about how some of them are depowered, or dead, or demony-things (or whatever it was Illyana was in that New X-Men arc), or performing covert assassination work because Cyclops can't get his own hands dirty. Granted, Rich wouldn't know most of that, but even if he did, it's just not welcome news, and Rich has been down that road himself. So he's not about to speak poorly of the kids that just try and do their best. Yes, I'm being sappy now. It happens every so often.


SallyP said...

Young Nova does seem to be a pretty stand-up sort of fellow. Much more so than Tony Stark, at any rate. Nice to see that he's exhibiting some compassion.

Jason said...

I'm still waiting for a detailed explanation of how he went from Nova in his 70's series to Kid Nova in New Warriors. That still bugs me.

On Topic: Nova is really impressing me, it's probably one of the most enjoyable series out there right now. Though this techno-virus is getting a little old. Hopefully they'll deal with it soon.

Did you see that Cosmo, the Russian, telepathic dog is going to be in Guargians of the Galaxy? It's like they're writing that book for me.

CalvinPitt said...

sallyp: I agree completely.

jason: Wasn't "Kid Nova" what the media dubbed Rich, because he was wearing a different outfit and it had been such a long time since anyone had seen Nova they figured this was someone new?

I might have heard about Cosmo being in Guardians of the Galaxy earlier, but either way, it's good news.