Friday, October 08, 2010

Back After Another Long Absence

Calvin: {So, how've you been?}

Adorable Baby Panda: Fine. School started, it's not very interesting.

{Oh yeah, been there, done that.} The math is interesting. {That is not a sentence I've heard often.} But you can make the numbers do almost anything! {And I find that maddening. The covariance of the variables divided by the variance of the independent variable equals the slope of the regression line. Of course it does.} We aren't looking at anything like that. I was talking about factors, and area of a circle, stuff like that. {Oh.} Yeah. {Can we please talk about something other than math?}

Sure! All of Atlas is getting Applause for solving the problem with the Echo People peacefully. And Gorilla-Man gets a Hug for being happy with who he is. Deadshot already got a hug from Alice, so I don't have to do that, but I guess he could get some Applause for trying to be nice. {He did threaten to kill the doctor.} Yeah, that deserves a Bonk. {Trifecta for Floyd Lawton! Now what about Scandal? She was trying to be nice, but she was still offering to kill Catman.} That's what he wants, so it's probably a good thing. It doesn't seem like something to applaud, though. {We could ignore it.} Yes! Let's give Nova a Hug instead.

{Well, all this positivity is great, but surely some people need to be hit.} Always. Catman was being selfish, trying to make the cats kill him, so that's a Bonk. {Can Mar-Vell get one? Besides being evil, he's kind of a smug jerk.} So am I hitting him for the evil, or the smugness? {Can't it be both?} You bet! Bonk for Cancerverse Mar-Vell! I missed this. {No hitting evildoers at school?} I hit a classmate who was cheating on their spelling quiz. My teacher said that wasn't the right thing to do. {Nobody likes a snitch.} I didn't snitch! {Oh, well that explains it. Your teacher just saw you hit another student.} Oh. {Now what do we do about Drax and Thanos? Drax couldn't let it go, and endangered his universe. But Thanos killed him, and also endangered the universe.} Drax was overwhelmed, he couldn't control himself. {So that's a no to hitting Drax?} Well, he is dead. That's punishment enough. {And Thanos?} He's depressed over being dumped, and it was self-defense. {He still put the entire plan at risk!} He's Thanos! You can't expect restraint! Actually, Cosmo needs a Bonk for mocking Thanos' pain. {What?! Madness! That school has brainwashed you!}

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