Friday, December 16, 2011

The End of One, The Start Of Another, Whichever

So this time we'll go with "start". It's the beginning of Year 7 here at Reporting on Marvels and Legends. I can't say I envisioned it going this long when I started, but I enjoy it. Even if coming up with topics is a task sometimes.

On the positive side, I'm only my longest consecutive days with a post streak ever (I blew past the previous record the middle of last month), and I have a shot at getting to 2,000 posts by the end of the month. Then I see someone like Siskoid, who manages about 800 posts a year, and it's kind of staggering.

On the downside, I didn't manage to come up with any stories to feature Adorable Baby Panda in. I couldn't seem to come up with one that fit properly. Maybe I could have adapted the "Ink-Stained Trail", but it'd probably help to have some idea how I would finish it. Which is sort of a positive and negative, in that I did tinker with a few stories, but didn't write the endings. I'm worried they'll disappoint, but I suppose I should get on with it.

On the downside, we've gone yet another year with my starting up the Spider-Man: Giant Slayer posts I've been mentioning since, oh, 2006.

On the upside, I did start the TV episode reviews I brought up last year so who says I don't occasionally show follow-through? I am trying to decide, when I get to shows with half-hour episodes, whether I should switch to doing two episodes at a time, rather than just one. At least I have until February to decide.

Comic reviews started getting more clumped together, as I haven't been in a position to pick up comics weekly since spring. Which is annoying in that it puts me so far behind everyone else. By the time I'm ready to discuss something, the rest of the blogowhatchamafloogle's moved on. I probably need to start reviewing trades I buy more often. Maybe that's the thing for Year 7.

All that having been said, I would like to thank everybody who reads the blog, and especially those who comment, since you're all very polite and informative, which is a handy thing to have in a commentariat. Hopefully I can continue to provide some entertainment for you over the next year.


Rol said...

Happy New (Blog) Year, Calvin - keep 'em coming!

Siskoid said...

Seven years? That's awesome no matter the post-count. All depends on your focus, really.
