Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Alien Arrival

This was kind of an odd film. Set after a war between two sides has mostly been settled, it focuses on a soldier named Kye who winds up stranded on a peculiar world. He was supposed to acquire some information off a ship for the leader of the losing side, info which would enable them to save Kye's father. But he winds up stuck on this weird rock, and then he dies. And then he comes back to life, except now he turns into a giant bug if he gets stressed. He's stuck there three years adjusting, his company the computer on his shuttle. And then everyone shows up at the same time.

There's kind of a lot the movie is trying for, I'm not sure how well it succeeds. There was a person on the ship Kye caused to crash, a young biologist that Kye just so happened to serve as a guard for back in earlier days. She gets to assure us Kye was a Good Person once, and not this angry, cynical wreck. I mean, sure he's trying to save his dad, but he's endangering other people, so that's a bad way of protecting, I guess. She gets to insist he can be that kind protector, then seemingly die tragically so he can break for a while and further this whole plot about him being resurrected again and again. Then he can spend time in solitude, and try to decide who he wants to be, metamorphosis in spirit.

Right at the end, the movie throws in a twist about the nature of the planet (or moon, really, it's a satellite of a planet). And with that (plus one other surprise), Kye gets a chance to put this change to use, if he wants to. He gets to decide what he wants to be, and he had multiple chances to work it out. There is another person on the planet, also in the resurrection cycle, but he seems to always be in giant bug phase. But we only got a brief glimpse of what he was thinking, so there's never much explanation for why he's different from Kye. Can he not control his fear, or does he not want to? Are we supposed to buy that there's just something intrinsically different about Kye, and that's why it plays differently?

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