Wednesday, January 02, 2019

All-Father's Always On Thor About Something

So I was flipping through my copies of the Kurt Busiek/George Perez "Ultron Unlimited" storyline on New Year's Day, as one does. I get to the "Ultron. We would have words with thee." panel. You know the one:

Yeah, that's it.

Anyway, for the first time I noticed that Thor's helmet is missing one of its little wings. Which is not a type of battle damage I've seen Thor's outfit take before. Lose the helmet entirely? Sure. Happens all the time. Happens on the very next page, actually.

(Interestingly, Captain America still has both of the little wings on his cowl, although one got colored blue in the panel above. I guess that comes with being willing to actually dodge attacks sometimes.)

For some reason, I figured Odin would give Thor a lot of crap about this when he gets back to Asgard to get his outfit patched up. Probably because Odin is kind of a dick. I don't think Odin cares if Thor gets dirty fighting frost giants, but I can see him finding it vaguely insulting Thor would have that much trouble with any threat he'd face on Midgard.

"My son, surely thou hast not allowed the mortals to see thine raiments in such a horrid state?"

"Father, the mortals' eyes were very much focused on the indestructible killer robot I was smashing to a pulp."

Thor's lying a bit there, of course. He tried smashing Ultron in the face. Ultron, like me on New Year's Eve, refused to get smashed. Odin doesn't have to know that. And he won't, as long as Heimdall keeps his trap shut. Considering Heimdall probably knows half of the times Odin goes into his "Odinsleep", he's really just hungover or trying to get out of visiting his in-laws, the All-Father probably doesn't want him blabbing too many secrets


SallyP said...

Yeah...Odin really is the worst.

CalvinPitt said...

I know right? Always talking trash at Thor, but then also always leaving Thor to clean up his messes.