Sunday, September 03, 2023

Sunday Splash Page #286

"Speech Balloon Tetris," in Jubilee #5, by Robert Kirkman (writer), Derec Donovan (artist), Transparency Digital (colorist), Dave Sharpe (letterer)

This was part of yet another, most likely half-assed, attempt by Marvel at reaching a younger audience. Jubilee leaves the X-Mansion to move back to Southern California and live with her Aunt Hope and go to school. So she's crushing on guys, earning the ire of said guy's girlfriend, dealing with authoritarian principals, hanging out at the mall, stuff like that.

She also meets another young mutant named Shane who can shoot lasers out of his fingers and has his own street gang. And Aunt Hope and her butler aren't what they seem to be either, so it isn't all everyday teen life in the big city. Wolverine of course shows up at the end of issue 5.

Is it any good as a book teenagers might be interested in? Hell if I know. It wouldn't have been my thing at that age, but Marvel already had my money, so no reason to give a crap about what I wanted. I'm guessing it didn't find a market, because it ends at 6 issues with Jubilee thinking her great-aunt is dead and moving back to Xavier's.

Where Marvel would fail to do much of anything with her. She got depowered by House of M,  became a vampire during that "X-Men fight vampires" thing. Then she adopted/stole a baby. I think they made her a headmaster in a new Generation X book, that was canceled almost immediately. The high point was probably Jubilee joining the supporting cast of Patsy Walker, aka Hellcat after Civil War II's dumbassery took She-Hulk off the field.

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