Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Starting the Year in a Deep Freeze

There wasn't much for me in the January solicitations, although it's hard to be sure these days. Marvel listed an issue of Fantastic Four in last month's solicits that will come out in January. Then they listed another issue with a January release in this month's solicits, plus an issue with a February release. Meanwhile, the first issue of Vengeance of the Moon Knight was listed last month for release in January, and there was no listing in this month's solicits.

I assume this is some attempt suss out sales trends as far in the future as they can manage to best time canceling titles.

So, tentatively figure two issues of FF and one of Khonshu's boy for January. The only other Marvel thing that caught my eye was a Power Pack book, Into the Storm, by Louise Simonson and June Brigman. Doesn't say it's a mini-series or ongoing, but it's only $4, and Marvel would never miss a chance to crank up the price if it's just a one-off. So who knows?

Beats DC. Between Batman going crazy and/or being possessed (I'm not clear on if Batman and Detective Comics have tied these things together, or if the writers are doing this independent of each other), Tom King writing Wonder Woman, Superman being written by Jason Aaron (?!), some Titans event thing about seemingly everyone becoming animals (when they just got done with having everyone drenched in Lazarus Pit water), shit's bleak. The most eye-catching thing was the Valentine's Day one-shot they titled How to Lose a Guy Gardner in 10 Days. In other words, a book that actually comes out in February.

OK, is there any good news? Coda #5 and Midnight Western Theatre: Witch Trial #5 are both supposed to arrive, and. . .those are the last issues of each mini-series. Crap. Square Enix is releasing volume 13 of those enhanced editions of Soul Eater! But I'm not past volume 2 yet. The second issue of A Haunting on Mars? Good in theory, but the first issue was supposed to ship in October and *looks around dramatically* I haven't seen it yet.

There are two first issues I might try. Deer Editor, by the Everfrost creative team of Ryan Lindsay and Sami Kivela, published through Mad Cave. About a reporter (who is a deer) trying to investigate some sort of mystery. Will I understand what's going on? Given my confusion with Everfrost, fingers crossed! The other, through Scout Comics' new imprint focused on books from Europe, is Rogues, by El Torres and Pablo Moreno Collar. A couple of thieves in what looks like medieval fantasy, trying to recover their own souls. Might be worth a look. There's certainly not much crowding from my view.

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