Wednesday, April 10, 2024

What I Bought 4/3/2024 - Part 2

I've been nosing around through stores with used PS4 games when I have the chance the last couple of months and man, how are used PS4 games still so friggin' expensive? One of the nice things about waiting until 2012 to buy that XBox 360 was that I could buy a crapload of games for less than $20, and in many cases less than $10. Not having much luck with that now.

Deadpool #1, by Cody Ziglar (writer), Roge Antonio (artist), Guru-eFX (colorist), Joe Sabino (letterer) - How did he throw all those grenades when he's already holding two weapons?

Deadpool is doing his usual bit of taking money to kill people. Whatever relationship he had with the Valentine person from Alyssa Wong's run apparently fell apart when Valentine figured out Wade is a dumpster fire, but Wade still has the symbiote that was growing inside him when I dropped that book. Except now it's a giant, red dog that Antonio draws with big, soulful, pupiless eyes. Which Wade calls "Princess", and that calls him "Papa." Giving Deadpool a child that is especially vulnerable to fire seems like a bad idea, unless you're a fan of child endangerment.

His other daughter, Eleanor, is still around, in that she's living with the Prestons in Arizona. Wade is wisely avoiding Preston, who would probably robot-body punch his jaw clean off, but he does visit Ellie to give her a phone with only his number, and he promises to always answer if she calls. I'm sure he won't break that promise at an inconvenient moment!

There's no indication of where Wade or Princess are living, so I assume we're back to Daniel Way-era "living in abandoned warehouses with a single chair made of C-4." Most of this issue is Wade and Princess chasing some French-Canadian named Henry. Why they're killing him is not explained - beyond they're being paid for it - which probably says a lot about Wade's mental state. We could also note Antonio has given Deadpool back the little grey-black booties he wore back in the early, Liefeld-drawn days. That doesn't feel like a good sign.

He has a device on his wrist that makes portals, so they have to chase him across a city, including a bit where they chase him back-and-forth down a two-page spread, and Wade expresses regret for the artist who has to draw it. Antonio makes it seem pretty easy, as they dive through one portal into the next panel and reverse course, then repeat.

Somehow, Henry stumbles into some monk guy who kills him, then tries to kill Wade, then doesn't die when Wade stabs him through the chest and escapes. And he's very excited about the fact Wade didn't die. Though the way Ziglar is writing Wade, he would probably be happy if they figure out how to fix that issue. He's jumping out of planes from 15,000 feet, without a parachute, and thinking that hitting the ground at 120 mph will feel good. Although Antonio draws the landing as Wade just stabbing a guy with his swords like he just jumped a fence, so it doesn't really match the dialogue. Have him land on a guy and liquefy both their bodies!

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