Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Overlapping Time-Hopping

I was thinking recently about how, while many Marvel superheroes or teams may have time travel foes, you don't see a lot of crossover between the different groups of time travelers*.

Kang's the big Time Travel Guy at Marvel, and he does periodically go to war with other time travelers. But it's usually himself, meaning either the person he was/will become, or alternate timeline Kangs. Occasionally he and Dr. Doom cross paths, but it's not always a conflict. Even when it is, it's not necessarily a battle across time.

Mostly, though, I was thinking about the X-Men. They're littered with time travelers, both friends and foes. Cable, Stryfe, Bishop, Rachel Summers, Trevor Fitzroy, yadda yadda. There's a several, and they always seem to be trying to do something. Granted, sometimes the "something" they want to do is in direct conflict with the "something" one of the others is trying to do, so they may cancel each other out.

But not always. I could see the argument Kang doesn't care what they do, because if he's in the 20th/21st Century, it's to conquer it, so whatever outcome Cable hopes to achieve for 1,000 years from now is irrelevant anyway. But Immortus was usually more interested in controlling time itself, which seems like the sort of thing that might inhibit someone like Cable.

Or take someone like Zarkko, the Tomorrow Man. Not too impressive to look at, definitely not a first-stringer as villains go. A guy who traveled to the past to steal weapons he could use to dominate his peaceful era. But, again, resisting a would-be dictator seems like the sort of thing most the mutant-related time-hoppers would be ready and willing to do.

Beyond the notion that all these characters' goals on so different or on such different scales they don't conflict, the other easy answer is there have been conflicts like that, but with all the time travel involved, they're resolved in such a way we don't notice any changes to the timeline.

The thing that interests me is, most of the time travelers are used to fighting their enemies in one specific time. Kang fights the Avengers at whatever point he happens to show up to challenge them. Cable picks a specific point to stop Apocalpyse. They can pick the battleground (allowing for however accurate the writer wants their time travel capabilities to be.) Against another time traveler, that could go out the window, and it might be interesting to see who could adapt to losing that advantage the easiest.

* I'm less sure about DC, although Flash's foe Abra Kadabra's from the future, and I can't recall him tangling with the Legion of Super-Heroes or anything like that.

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