Saturday, October 19, 2024

Saturday Splash Page #147

"Spiders Unite," in Spider-Girls #1, by Jody Houser (writer), Andres Genolet (penciler/inker), Triona Farrell (colorist), Joe Caramagna (letterer)

Spider-Geddon was, as best I can tell from reading the credits page, the second time a bunch of Spider-people from across the multiverse teamed up to fight JMS and Romita Jr. creation Morlun and his extended family of 19th-Century-finery wearing energy-vampires. This mini-series is the one and only thing I bought from that event. Why did I do that?

Probably in part because 2018 was the year the amount of stuff Marvel published I was interested dropped off sharply. They'd been solidly in the low-70s each of the previous three years, but in 2018 dropped into the 50s. Which is where they've languished ever since. So I likely hadn't adjusted and was taking chances on things I normally wouldn't.

Beyond that, this mini-series promised to focus on a small cast. Mayday Parker (going by Spider-Woman now), Anya Corazon (formerly Arana, now Spider-Girl, with predictive visions), and Annie Parker, the daughter of Peter and Mary Jane in the Renew Your Vows universe. Free of the literal armies that made up the main storyline, Mayday might get some actual focus. One of Morlun's family killed her parents in the previous event, leaving Mayday an orphan responsible for her infant brother. 

Which wasn't an isolated thing; Slott killed a lot of Spider-characters in that event. Not even in ways that really upped the stakes. Just to make numbers. Here's a one-page comic of Hostess-Fruit-Pie-Ads Spidey trying to stop Morlun with mass-produced pastries! And he's dead. Wasn't that great? Now let's spend more time on Octavius running around in Peter's stolen body!

(I have seen arguments online that's a different Mayday because the eye color is wrong. As though Marvel's paying attention to that. They can't even remember big events from a given character's past consistently.)

I thought maybe there'd be something to Mayday interacting with a younger version of both her parents (she met a high-school-aged version of her dad in a time travel adventure early in her solo series), but Peter and MJ are quickly drafted into the larger fight. Outside of a brief scene of MJ thinking about how they lost another daughter in childbirth years before Annie, nothing comes of it. Most of the mini-series is Mayday, Anya and Annie trying to figure out what Annie's powers are telling her while surviving against two of Morlun's siblings. There is a bit where Anya and Mayday try to use some sort of Green Goblin-themed battle armor to fight, but the goths completely no-sell it, so it's kind of a dud.

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