Of course, it may turn out nobody actually died in this issue, we're just being fooled, but I don't think that's the case.
Last month, I was curious to see how Timothy Green II would do at depicting fight scenes, as issue #1 was lacking in those. Well, there was plenty of combat this issue, and well. . . the results were mixed for me. The explosions are nice, and when he can do the characters in a posed position (such as Starlord firing down at some Phalanx on page 2) it works well. But when the characters are supposed to be moving, it doesn't work quite as well (such as Starlord apparently leaping down next to Captain Universe on page 3. He looks odd). Plus, Starlord's mask looks goofier when he draws it, compared to cover artist Nic Klein. On the whole though, he does some interesting things, like the shot of Rocket Raccoon with the rocket launcher, where there's a little circle zoom in on the actual rocket, since Raccoon was pretty small in the larger panel (it was a long-distance view, so Groot could fit). Plus, there's some things with the panel composition, but I want to do a big art post on Conquest, so I'll hold off on that for now. I'm still a little surprised that Gabe was so shook up about his accident, being a soldier and all, but other than that, I think my favorite Conquest issue this month, 4.4 out of 5.

Of course, I'm also wondering how Cyclops knew Wade left Weasel behind at that HYDRA base when he saved Agent X, and adopted Bob (Hail HYDRA!). I'm sure the answer is "telepaths", but then why are X-telepaths focusing on Wade (or Weasel, or whoever)? It doesn't make a lot of sense, but I suppose it works as a way to continue Wade's attempts to live up to what Cable saw in him, plus have a nifty Deadpool/Wolverine fight, complete with James getting really frustrated with Deadpool's incessant chatter. 3.8 out of 5.
One thing I do like about the brackets is that assuming Danny and Davos make it through their first matches, they have to fight in Round 2, rather than being set up in such a way that they could meet in the final. It isn't what we would expect, and that's not bad at all. Plus now I'm intensely interested in the "Prince of Orphans", who got a first-round bye. Who is this mysterious hooded figure, that sits alone?
As an aside, does anyone else think that Yu-Ti, the head of K'un-Lun, is probably evil? I mean, he (she?) wears a loose hood/mask like Cobra Commander used to use, or maybe old time Baron Zemo. Plus he (she?) wears HYDRA colors (Hail HYDRA!). There's no way he (she?) isn't evil, right?
Beyond that, not much to say. I still like Aja's art, he makes some of the people - Crane Mother - look suitably creepy. Martinez' art also works for the flashback. it reminds me a little of Green's to be honest, I think in the hair, because Martinez draws dynamic (extreme? action-oriented?) movement a bit better than Green, though I think Green draws the more basic (walking, running) better. And that's your art critque from the man with no art skills for the day. 3.1 out of 5.
If I were Cyclops I would keep a telepath focussed on Wade 24/7, to warn me if he decided to visit the X-Mansion.
Especially in That Costume. You know the one I'm talking about. (Shudder.)
Starlord was a bit of a let-down after the excellent first issue, but I'm still excited about where it's going. I would like to say that I called Groot being one of the first of the group to buy it. Gabe's chances aren't very good either. I am interested to see where this goes.
Iron Fist continues to impress. Now you've done it with the Cobra Commander refgerence, I'm going to hear him talk in my mind with a hisssing-lisp for the rest of the storyline now. Thanks.
Who do you think the woman serving Danny was?
matthew: I dare say there'd have to be a rotating schedule of telepathic observation, since extended exposure to Deadpool's mind can cause. . . well, I'm thinking there has to be a mental form of v.d. in there.
jason: Yeah, I'm pretty sure Gabe's toast, which surprises me, seeing as you'd think a soldier would be more accustomed to the pitfalls of combat.
As for that lady in Iron Fist, she's the next notch in Danny' bedpost *ducks bricks* I mean, she's probably the prince of orphans, gathering information while everyone stares at that fake version that's completely hidden.
Or she's some old girlfriend of Danny's, other than Misty Knight.
I think Deadpool looks bulkier because Lim likely had only a few weeks to draw the issue. If you notice there's a lot of negative space and very, VERY sparse backgrounds- not that Lim is usually known for that, but this is the second issue in a row solicited with Brown and drawn by Lim.
As much as I like Brown, though, Lim did a fantastic job selling the comedy aspects of the story.
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