Wednesday, April 12, 2006

What I Bought 4/12/06

Field Botany took us out into the woods today. There were bugs all over the place, and so now it feels like they're still crawling on me three hours later. I hate that feeling. Five books, spoiler warnings as usual.

Annihilation: Super Skrull #1 - Compared to this, that Silver Surfer issue last week was shite. This makes me really want to pick up the next issue. We see the Super Skrull aiding other Skrull soldiers as they attempt to defend a world from the Annihilation "Wave". And they fail. I thought it was actually very well done, how they showed the Super Skrull going all out, taking out as many soldiers as he could, while the enemy commander is telling his superior there is only "a token defense here". Something called the Harvest of Sorrows lands on the world, and does a Galactus on it.

I enjoyed that Super Skrull (K'lrt) is that prototypical movie soldier, the one who wants to follow orders, while at the same time recognizing his superior officers are losers. But even good soldiers have their limit; and K'lrt isn't going to let some petty warlord stand there and mock him about all his losses. Seriously, what has this warlord ever done? She ever fought the Fantastic Four? I doubt it. Smack in the face!

It does seem like a waste to kill perfectly good soldiers though, but I'd say he's going to be more useful than all of them put together, so I guess it's not that big of a deal.

I think it shows his skill as a warrior that Super Skrull understands Reed Richards, knows he can enlist Reed's aid, and not get stabbed in the back. I like his strategy for victory, and I'm definitely curious as to whether his companion is who he says he is. My only complaint? Super Skrull's dialogue at times seemed too, "street", for someone who described himself as an old warhorse. Very minor, mostly his saying "What else you got?" Just seemed wrong coming from him. 4.95 out of 5.

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #7 - Holy crap! Spider-Man is protecting people from a villain! He's not simply defending himself from another revenge scheme! This is a Tony Stark I can deal with. He's reminding Peter of what science is all about, but he's not being a condescending ass about it, which would seem like a wise course of action if you want Peter on your side.

Loved the interplay between Robbie and Jonah. Perfectly plays their "blustery, but ultimately well-meaning" versus the "calm, more clear-headed, and equally well meaning" personalities.

Apparently the stingers will only manifest when confronted with someone else from a mystical lineage? Uhm, so could we have Spider-Man not fight anymore people like that for about, oh, 15 years? Hopefully, by then everyone will forget he has them.

You know why the ceiling tiles gave out when Peter tried to stick to them? Because that suit is too heavy.

Jarvis is right. Eddie does sound like a name for a cocker spaniel. My apologies to readers whose name is Eddie. I still think May could call him Edwin.

Peter used science to secure victory! Hooray!

There is no way that this surprise at the end of the issue can be a good thing. No way. And it's giving off a very strong feeling of the "Quiver" story from Green Arrow. *Sigh*, it scars an otherwise wonderful issue. 4.1 out of 5.

Ultimate Spider-Man #93 - I know that the Ultimate Universe is supposed to be about reimagining characters, but this characterization of Deadpool? Horrible. I mean, certain things about a character should remain, and with Deadpool, that hasn't happened. I mean, I could see Marvel Universe Wade Wilson trying to kill the X-Men, if it involved a conversation like "You'll pay me how much to team-up with cyborgs and kill the X-Men?! Sure!"

But "Mutants are horrible mistakes, and we need to remind them that we're running this planet"? Not so much. I am impressed that he can apparently take a lightning bolt through the chest, and keep talking. I gotta say, the career profiles they had going the first few pages were kind of distracting. It's like you have to read those, then back-track and read the rest of the page. Not that I can think of a better way to do that, just saying.

The fight scenes were nice. Neatly demonstrated how professional the Reavers are, working as a group, covering for each other (Cyclops takes out two, but gets jumped by about five others). Meanwhile the X-Men demonstrate they're still kids, by getting scattered allover, and not having any unified plan. So you get Cyclops attacking without back-up, Nightcrawler trying to hijack a heli, and so on.

At least Peter managed to keep Kitty from blowing his secret identity. Or from doing it himself. That's three issues now without anyone finding out Peter Parker is Spider-Man, it might just be a record for Ultimate Spider-Man!

And I have no idea what is going on with that last page, so don't ask. 2.6 out of 5.

Exiles #79 - I get it! Power Princess is Wonder Woman if she possessed no diplomatic skills whatsoever! Of course, she wasn't wrong when she said she had more power than all of them combined. Which is kind of sad when you think about it. Of course, when you fight a guy who can bend reality, "power" is a relative term.

Hmm, wonder who the female Captain Marvel was? Carol Danvers? Monica Rambeau? Some person we've never heard of? Probably the last one. Whatever happened to Marlo in the main Marvel Universe? Or Rick Jones for that matter? Haven't seen him in forever.

Not that I'm complaining about that, just curious.

Is this the same Proteus from the X-Men comics, or an alternate-universe version? I remember they did an annual sometime back in the '90s where Proteus came back, combined with some kid that could absorb energy, and was no longer vulnerable to metal. This one still is, so I guess it's a different one. That's seen "Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome". So he's not all bad.

That wasn't a bad plan, and certainly takes advantage of the resources at their disposal. Still, I'm thinking Power Princess dies next issue. Just a hunch. She's strong, but two Hulks, now that both seem angry with the Exiles? Good night! Opens the door for Psylocke I guess. 4 out of 5.

Ms. Marvel #2 - OK, this issue had way too many panels that made me think 'Hentai!' Way too much Carol Danvers getting grabbed by things that look like tentacles, you dig? Still, the fact that she's going all out, but having trouble with the sheer numbers was a believeable. The Brood are a serious problem for a reason, she ain't fighting Stilt-Man.

Still, I'd say Carol didn't do poorly. Yeah, she was saved by the thing the Brood were running from, but I'm sure she'd already expended a lot of energy chasing that ship there last issue.

Are Cavorite crystals an already established part of the Marvel Universe, like Vibranium, or did Reed just pull this out of his ass to be part of the problem Warbird has to deal with?

I really prefer calling her Warbird. I think I'll do that from now on. This is Warbird #2!

I think Warbird suffers from self-esteem problems. She gets mad at herself because she stayed to finish the Brood and figure out what "Cru" is and why it wants the crystals. Then she gets mad because she didn't immediately chase after it. She was so weak at the time it flicked her away like a bug, so I don't think giving immediate chase would have been wise. Probably just get her killed.

I predict that next issue she will have saved the Earth with her impressive energy absorption skills. Does anyone else think it's weird that the word is "absorb", but then you swap a "p" in for the second "b" when you go to "absorption"? Just me? OK then, 3.75 out of 5. I've been fairly pleased by this series thus far, disturbing imagery aside.


thekelvingreen said...

Yeah, I don't know everyone's problem with "Warbird" either. Warbird #2 it is!

thekelvingreen said...

Oh, and there was a female Captain Marvel knocking around at the end of Peter David's run on that book. She was Genis' sster, I think.

CalvinPitt said...

kelvin: Genis' sister, huh? That works.

Chris said...

I vote "Warbird" as well.

Also, is there any mention made of her becoming the Flaming Alien at the end of the most recent Not Avengers?

CalvinPitt said...

chris: Nope, not a word. Of course, I have no idea how this synchs up with that continuity-wise.

What I do know is when Carol called Cap for some back-up at the end of #1, he was in a jungle with Sharon Carter fighting HYDRA, so who knows.

thekelvingreen said...

And having read the issue, it looks like the female Captain Marvel might be Genis' sister (Phyla-Vell). Since it's an alternate future, I suppose it could be anyone, but it looks like Phyla.