Saturday, July 10, 2010

About Steve Rogers' New Shield

What's the story on it? Bucky is keeping the Captain America shield, while Rogers sports some clear plastic-looking facsimile. I don't imagine it's anything as simple as plastic, that's simply what it reminded me of when I saw it in Hawkeye and Mockingbird #1.

I'm a fan of that energy shield he was rocking for a time there in the post-Heroes Reborn world. He had it for the Ultron Unlimited story in the Busiek/Perez Avengers run, for example. The generator for it was stored in the glove, and it could even change forms. I only saw it as a shield or staff, but I don't know if that's the extent of its abilities.

The downside was he couldn't throw it, based on the limitations of the device creating it (a photonic generator?). He can throw this current shield, and Steve Rogers being able to bounce his shield off multiple objects (or bad guys' noggins) is always fun. We have Bucky for that, though, so no reason Rogers couldn't do things a bit differently.

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