Friday, May 11, 2012

Ultron May Need To Design Himself A Nose To Stick In Their Business

Assuming Father actually does care at all about propagating artificial life, it's only a matter of time before Ultron gets involved, isn't it?

The whole thing about trying to create a form of artificial life indistinguishable from biological life, while retaining certain superior aspects, seems awful similar to Ultron's goals from Annihilation: Conquest. The question then is whether Ultron would object to someone trying to succeed where he failed, and work to oppose them, or if he'd try to hijack their scheme for himself.

It'd also be interesting to see how the residents of the Core would react if Ultron showed up. At one time, the Vision was supposed to be built off Jim Hammond's design, or built out of Jim Hammond, but I'd say that's clearly not the case any longer. Since Hammond is "Grandfather" to them, would Ultron hold some revered position as well? Great-Uncle, perhaps? Would his constant attempts to destroy the Avengers endear him to those of the Core, or would they despise him because he tries to subjugate all that lies before him? Deathlok Miss America made a point of stating that no one's free will is to be tampered with. While I find that a suspect claim, they at least seem to believe it's true, so Ultron's tendency to take control of others might be considered abhorrent.

Which might put the Avengers and Ultron on the same side, if Father or his children get aggressive all of a sudden. Ultron might or might not care about their goals, but they might view him as a threat that needs eliminating, and I don't think Ultron's likely to sit on his metal duff and be eliminated.

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