Saturday, July 21, 2012

How Do You Get Past The Little Blue Bouncers After They Kick You Out?

All yesterday's post's griping about the pointless killing of Vixen to get John Stewart and Shayera together aside, the story did have the possibly planned for effect of making me curious to see the origin for the future Justice League's Green Lantern.
If you have read the story, John kills Shadow Thief with a bullet made from Nth metal, fired from a gun. Quite where he got the bullet, I'm not sure. He already had the gun out before Shayera came to offer her assistance, but I suppose it could have been an earlier gift. Anyway, the end result is the Guardians take his ring - unimpressed with his argument that he didn't break the rules because he didn't use the ring to kill anyone - and basically turn their back on that entire sector, until such time as they think Earthlings have grown up a little bit. Which is the sort of massive overreaction I'd expect from the Guardians. They're a bunch of dipsticks regardless of the universe.

Aren't there other inhabited worlds in the sector besides Earth? What are they supposed to do? And what about Kyle Rayner? Kyle got a ring in that universe, during the Superman cartoon. And Katma mentioned him in a Justice League episode where she was busting John's butt about how poorly he was using his ring. To be fair, she wasn't really complimenting Kyle, expect by saying John was doing even worse. So maybe Kyle washed out. Or perhaps the Guardians abruptly snatched away his ring, and when he asked, they said, "Talk to John Stewart."

Be honest, we can all see the Guardians doing that. I could see them doing it while Kyle was traveling between star systems and leaving him to die out there. OK, maybe they wouldn't leave him to die, but I wouldn't be surprised if they dropped him on whatever world happened to be handy. Knowing Kyle's luck, it'd be Czarnia, or Kanjar Ro's home.

All that being said, I'd like to know what it was about the young kid that's wearing the ring in the future that convinced the Guardians to give him a ring. I have a hard time looking at the state of that world, given how Gotham was before Terry McGinnis became Batman, or how Metropolis probably went in Superman's absence, and concluding Earthlings demonstrated how, as a whole, they were ready to be let back into the club.

The kid could be an alien, I suppose. No reason he has to be from Earth, just because he looks like an Earthling.

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