Saturday, July 28, 2012

Let's Talk Favorite N64 Games

This is one is actually pretty tough because the N64 worked out pretty well for me. I've said it before, but there were only two games I absolutely regretted buying, which isn't bad out of 20.

5. Starfox 64
4. Resident Evil 2
3. Super Smash Bros.
2. Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time
1.Goldeneye 007

Let's see, flight combat game, survival/horror, fighting game, adventure, first-person shooter. That's sort of a lot of diversity, even if most of them boil down to shooting something.

I still feel a little odd ranking Goldeneye above Ocarina of Time, but it's not so much a measure of quality as it is how much I enjoyed the game. And Goldeneye has all those wonderful multiplayer memories tied to it. Which is really the big theme of the N64 for me. 3 of these games had at least part of their appeal tied to their multiplayer options. Starfox isn't to the same extent as Goldeneye and Smash Bros., but it was a flight combat game so it had its own advantages. There are at least 2 other games in the running for that 5th spot - Mario Kart 64 and Wave Race - and they also both had multiplayer.

This was the first system I had where that was really a consistent option, and I guess this means I took full advantage of it. Granted, it doesn't account for RE2 or Ocarina, but those were both very good games in their own right (setting aside RE2's lousy camera), so they had more than enough going for them to earn their way in regardless.

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