Thursday, May 28, 2015

Who Else Hit The Inhuman Jackpot?

So Lineage said Kamala wasn't the only member of her family with powers. Which means someone related to her is going to pop up with super-powers sooner or later.

It could be someone we haven't seen yet, but her parents and brother are right there in the same town as her, so they could have been exposed to the Terrigen Mists just as easily. So which one is it? I could see it being her brother, if Wilson wanted him to get powers that were challenge his beliefs in some way, or just interfere with the life he wants to lead, but my hunch is one of her parents.

Not sure which, though. It could have happened pretty easily, if Kamala wasn't nearly as sneaky getting out of the house to that party as she thought she was, and one or both of her Abu and Ammi were out looking for her. Trying to decide which is hard for me. Her mother strikes me as the one who would want to go out and find Kamala, right now, the second she learned she was missing, whereas her dad seems like the type to trust Kamala's judgment until she gets home, at which point he talks things out with her. On the other hand, if he saw his wife was determined to go look for her, I think he'd do it himself because he might want things to go more smoothly. I'm pretty sure if Kamala's mom had caught her at that part, where there was liquor and boys, people could have heard the histrionics in Pennslyvania (and how the hell does this thing recognize "histrionics", but not "unfulfilling"? That makes no sense whatsoever.)

So I'm leaning towards her dad, then I consider the possibility it's from her mother's line, and her mom had seen it manifest in the past, and it didn't go well (maybe it was a volatile power, maybe whoever had it ran into the usual bad reactions Marvel citizens have to people different from them), and that's one of the reasons she worries about Kamala. As opposed to all the other reasons a mother would worry about her teenage kid, I know. I think I'll still lean toward the Dad.

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