Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Logan Lucky

I ended up watching this with Alex and his fiance's family over the 4th of July, since it was something we could all roughly agree on watching.

West Virginia white trash brothers Channing Tatum and Adam Driver decide to rob the Charlotte Motor Speedway to get themselves some life-changing money. However, this requires them to get explosives expert Joe Bang (played by Daniel Craig, giving him the chance for more fun with Southern accents) out of prison to help, then back in prison without anyone knowing it. That requires them to add Joe's two brothers to the mix, who despite their proficiency with computers don't seem entirely reliable.

Which is the point, that all these guys look like dumbshit rednecks but actually mostly know what the hell they're doing. They aren't dressed as classy as George Clooney and Brad Pitt, but they're professional. But we're supposed to assume, when things go wrong, that they're fucking it up.

Or maybe that's just me. I have a hard time not judging a couple of people passed out on couches with a bunch of empty beer bottles piled on their coffee table. But maybe those are left over from a party they hosted, and they haven't had time to clean. I shouldn't make assumptions. I mean, there are people who do  things that work in their favor that seem highly improbable to me, but could just be them understanding how these other people think because they've lived around them that long.

There are some funny parts. The prisoners' demands for the latest books in the Game of Thrones series cracked me up. Daniel Craig's indignation at the concept of low-sodium salt. Seth MacFarlane is in the movie, but manages not to ruin everything. He wears a stupid fake mustache, uses a lousy accent, and gets his ass kicked. It's about the best possible use of him, under the circumstances.

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