Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Ships Them to the Manor in Cases Marked "Champagne"

How many tires does the Batmobile go through in a year?

My mom watches NASCAR, and so I've ended up watching a few races with her. Those guys go through multiple sets of tires in one race, and they aren't pulling hairpin turns, or jumps, or driving up the sides of buildings. They also don't have to dodge penguins with rockets on their backs or oil slicks from cars with clown faces on them, either. To say nothing of how much garbage is probably on Gotham's roads, or the harsh winters.

I'm sure Batsy gets extra-durable tires made of some polymer that's partially Kryptonian in design, but still. He's driving really fast, in close confines, on roads of questionable quality, every night. You know Alfred isn't letting him leave the cave with a set of bald tires on there.

Granted, he's not involved in high-speed chases every night. At least, not in the car. Sometimes he's on foot, or in a boat, or something. And some nights he's busy with Justice League crap on the moon. But you know one of the Robins is borrowing the car on that night, which means even more wear and tear. It all has to add up.

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