Monday, May 17, 2021

What I Bought 5/14/2021

Did anybody else notice that hour or so late last week where all the Blogger sites were being blocked as containing malware? That was concerning, I hadn't saved last year's posts yet. I really don't know what approach I'll take the day Google decides to just throw Blogger in the trash. At some point they'll decide, "this ain't making us any money," and poof, into the aether it goes.

Anyway, to "celebrate" having to return to working in the office, one book from last week. I tried the other store in town, and they didn't have the last issue of The Union, either. Said the sales tanked after issue 3, which doesn't exactly surprise me.

Black Cat #6, by Jed MacKay (writer), Michael Dowling (artist), Brian Reber (color artist), Ferran Delgado (letterer) - Like Scrooge McDuck, Felicia Hardy oversells how comfortable gold coins are.

The Gilded Saint accepts the Fox' offer. It now owns Manhattan, and Fox and Felicia are immortal and youthful. Felicia is outraged at the double-cross, but tearing the Fox' throat out doesn't work and he escapes. After lying to Spider-Man (who shows up for 3 panels, sorry if you were expecting more based on the solicitation), she tells her guys to get lost and goes to bargain with Odessa Drake. This would seem dicey, given all the stealing and threatening her with borrowed Iron Man armor, but when Felicia and the Fox got immortality, it was taken away from Odessa and her Guild. So that's a good reason for everyone to play nice. So Felicia gets magically "booped" into the Saint's vault.

This feels like it's moving slow. Maybe that's just Dowling's art, which isn't particularly dynamic or exciting. It's fairly realistic, but when he's mostly just drawing people standing around talking, that's not all that eye-catching. Not doing a lot to make that a more interesting prospect, either, in terms of layouts or whatnot. I guess I could mention the fact that during their time chatting, Odessa is repeatedly the one leaning into Felicia's space or trying to touch her.

Still, this issue is a conversation between Felicia and Fox, which feels drawn out. A pair of conversations between her and Spider-Man/Bruno and Dr. Korpse that are quick and to the point. And the thing with Odessa, which is the last 8 pages. That one, I think does deserve the pages it gets, because of the fact they've been adversaries until recently, so that has to be addressed before they can work together.

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