Saturday, March 12, 2022

Saturday Splash Page #11

"Welcome to Monster Isle," in X-Men: First Class (vol. 2) #2, by Jeff Parker (writer), Roger Cruz (artist), Val Staples (colorist), Nate Piekos (letterer)

The 8-issue mini-series ended, followed the next month by the special we looked at last week. The month after that, the ongoing series started up. It ran for 16 issues, and largely followed the same pattern as the mini-series. Mostly done-in-one stories about the Original 5 X-Men facing some problem and having to overcome it, maybe growing some as young adults in the process.

Parker and Cruz bring in other characters than from the first mini-series. The Black Widow shows up in the "black mask/fishnets" look she had briefly after her face turn. The team runs into the Man-Thing and get a look at horrible possible futures for each of them. Jean gets a ride-along day with the Invisible Woman. Machine Man shows up, but it's X-50, not X-51, the future Aaron Stack. So it's fun to watch them take advantage of the Marvel Universe back in its early stages. Characters the X-Men never met until much later, or ones at a much different place at this time.

There are a couple of threads that run more than one issues. Angel leaves the school for a few issues after he goes looking for his archaeologist aunt (who bears a remarkable resemblance to a certain tomb raider), and finds a lost civilization that doesn't make him hide his wings. Jean's powers continue to expand, little things like that.

After the series ended, there was one more four-issue mini-series, the graduation for the five of them, which ends with them heading off on one more mission to a little place called Krakoa. Marvel would go to the "First Class" well subsequently with Uncanny X-Men First Class (8 issues) and Wolverine First Class (21 issues). The latter was really about Kitty Pryde as a student, but got use the name that sells. But Parker and Cruz weren't involved with either of those.

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