Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Steady State at Mid-Year

Seems that as fast as titles fall of my list of things to buy, new stuff pops up to take its place. Certainly beats the alternative. So, what did June's solicitations have to offer?

At Marvel, there's still She-Hulk and Moon Knight among ongoing series. The latter seems like it might be bringing Marc's battle with Zodiac to a head. Iron Fist is wrapping up, and judging by the cover, Loki's involved in all this somehow. Wolverine: Patch would be on issue 4, if I'm still buying it. Undecided at the moment.

As far as new things, Al Ewing and Javier Rodriguez are doing another Defenders mini-series. As much as I'm sure it'll be beautiful, I'm giving it a pass. I don't need another 5 issues of Ewing's meta-commentary paired with a cast of characters I mostly don't give a shit about (other than Tigra). Jed MacKay's doing another Black Cat mini-series, though it's called Iron Cat because Stark's involved. I notice there's an Iron Man/Hellcat Annual. Can we just have Felicia and Patsy team-up in a mini-series, and Stark can just team-up with himself in the annual? I'm sure he'd be fine with that. Finally, Steve Skroce is doing a 5-issue Thing mini-series called Clobberin' Time. I don't know why we're getting all these mini-series about Ben Grimm, but I'm fine with it.

Let's stick with new things for now. Dark Horse solicited a tpb for volume 3 of John Allison's Steeple. I didn't love volume 2, but he's earned benefit of the doubt. Paul Tobin and Alberto Alburquerque have A Calculated Man out through Aftershock, about a mob accountant who went into Witness Protection, who's going to have to get more hands on if he wants to survive. Fingers crossed he uses his math skills to rig up a bunch of wild death traps out of Home Alone, Rube Goldberg or Wil E. Coyote.

CEX Publishing is releasing a "Definitive Edition" of something called Silencers by Fred van Lente and Steve Ellis. Not sure what it's about, but the solicit caught my eye, which is, well it's not half the battle. 27% of the battle? Lev Gleason - New Friday has the first issue of Fantomesque by Jacob Norris. I don't know if it's going to be an ongoing or what, but it's $10, so I'm going to have to figure that out before I'd consider spending that kind of cheddar. Scout Comics has the first issue of Agent of Worlde by Deniz Camp, Jason Wordie, and Filya Bratukhin. This 4-issue mini-series was solicited last year as Chaos Agent. Fingers crossed it actually comes out this time. Finally, Seven Seas has the 8th volume of Precarious Woman Executive Miss Black General. I ought to have got around to buying volume 7 by then.

So that's new three collections, one ongoing series, and three mini-series, plus whatever Fantomesque is. As for things that are continuing, there's Batgirls #7, Jenny Zero II #2, Kaiju Score: Steal from Gods #3, Lead City #4, West of Sundown #4, Broken Eye #3, and Distorted #4. Although I doubt any of the last four of those titles will be that far along by June. The two from Scout Comics were both a month late on their first issues, and Lead City and West of Sundown were supposed to start this month, but did not.


thekelvingreen said...

Huh. CEX here is a shop that sells second-hand (and probably stolen) video games. Weird to see it used in a different context.

CalvinPitt said...

I can't remember if I've ever seen it in Previews before. Seems like there are always new, small publishers popping up. Looks like it might be short for "Comics Experience".