Monday, June 27, 2022

What I Bought 6/22/2022 - Part 2

Unless something has gone catastrophically wrong (or, from another perspective, very right), I'm on the road all week. I hope it's going to be a fun week, but I really doubt it. Travel is rarely relaxing. I saved this book for its own post partially because it's the end of an arc, but mostly because Moon Knight's usually light enough on plot it's quick to review.

Moon Knight #12, by Jed MacKay (writer), Alessandro Cappuccio (artist), Rachelle Rosenberg (color artist), Cory Petit (letterer) - Sticks versus gun should be a mismatch, but Zodiac's not demonstrating good form there.

I noticed on the first page, Cappuccio drew one of Zodiac's henchguys as basically Jason Voorhees. Hockey mask, big sharp farm implement for a weapon. Soldier dressing up like Mr. Knight works - for about one page. Then Zodiac shoots him through Reese. Marc and Tigra show up just a bit late, with a bunch of undead past Moon Knights on their tails. The path Khonshu provided was through some dimension where his Fists go when they die. Which Marc, naturally, knew nothing about because he's been kind of an unusual disciple even when he's following orders. Most of them look the same, some basic variations in the placement of gold bracers or neck guards with moon symbols on them.

A bunch of zombies messes up Zodiac's plans, so he tries to run, but Reese isn't having it. Rosenberg colors Reeses' tears pink, I assume because she's crying most blood? The actual blood from her gunshot wounds in colored extremely dark though, so maybe not. She's ready to kill him, but Moon Knight's going to do it first. MacKay attempts to stave off the "it would make you no better than him" spiel and has Moon Knight claim that no, Reese wouldn't be as bad as Zodiac if she killed him. She would be as bad as Moon Knight, who is going to kill Zodiac himself. I guess that's accurate?

For that panel, Cappuccio goes with a wide, short panel that's focused on Marc's hands and a black circle on his chest below the crescent moon symbol. Has that been there the whole time? What the heck is that? A new moon symbol, when he already has a moon symbol on his costume? 

But wait, Steven Grant pushes Marc Spector aside and takes over. I feel like that will simply result in Reese returning to her original plan to murder Zodiac. Also, I'm curious to see how Zodiac reacts to all that. He seemed OK with pushing Reese to embrace what he's sure is her true nature, and that's what he's been after with Moonie all along. But he only made inarticulate noises once Moon Knight started choking him, so I don't know if he was pleased with what he sowed.

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