Saturday, October 08, 2022

Saturday Splash Page #41

"Delusion,", in Webspinners: Tales of Spider-Man #4, by Eric Stephenson (writer), Keith Giffen (penciler), Andy Smith (inker), Digital Chameleon (colorist), BencHMark Productions (letterer)

The only three issues I have are this story set during the '60s era. Peter's following up a lead from Ben Urich on people who disappeared in a particular flophouse hotel. This investigation is interrupted by the flying hood ornament deciding all humanity is against him again, so he's going to attack New York. Those two things end up being connected, via Psycho-Man of all things. Giffen's the artist, except by the second issue Andy Smith is joined by 3 more inkers. In the third issue, Smith handles the art chores himself, and there is a substantial difference between his art and Giffen's.

I was going to say this was like DC's Legends of the Dark Knight, but as Spider-Man books go, I think that was Tangled Web. The book where you let prestigious writers or artists have some fun with the character. This is probably more like Shadow of the Bat, just another attempt to cash in by slapping Popular Character's name on the cover.

Although looking over a listing of the issues online, there were a few issues written by Paul Jenkins, some drawn by Sean Phillips, the others by J.G. Jones. But there's also a DeFalco/Frenz story set during the black costume days, and a couple issues written by Howard Mackie that send Spidey back into the Negative Zone. So, a mixed bag.

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