Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Summer Solicitations, Make Me Feel Fine

June solicits ran strongly to graphic novels or trades that caught my eye, more than single issues.

What's new I might want to buy? The Great British Bump-Off is not actually new, as issue 3 is coming out in June from Dark Horse. But I hadn't realized what appeared to be a murder mystery around a cooking competition was from the John Allison and Max Sarin creative team. Look, I can barely find the energy to spend time doing actual cooking, that would produce food I could eat. You can't expect me to linger on a comic about other people cooking.

Ablaze Publishing has Volume 1 of Terror Man, by Dongwoo Han and Jinho Ko, about a guy with the ability see what decisions will lead to disaster, which he uses to try and save people from danger, but makes him look like a terrorist and makes him desperately unhappy. Humanoids has Arca: Into the Dark Labyrinth (or maybe it's Project Arka: Into The Dark Labyrinth, the cover and solicit text disagree), by Romain Bennasaya and Joan Urgell, about a interplanetary colonist ship that seems to have gotten stuck in some empty stretch of space. It's 25 bucks, so that's probably something I'd buy much later on, like I did Carthago.

Iron Circus Comics has S.J. Miller's Mage and the Endless Labyrinth and, yes, obviously I have a thing for stories about people traversing bizarre and dangerous landscapes. Finally, Uncivilized Books has Tyler Landry's Old Caves, about a widower who spends his time either roaming the forest or thinking about the past.

Is anything I'm buying ending? Nope, the great dying off starts in July.

What's that leave? Hellcat, Clobberin' Time, and Liquid Kill will all be on their penultimate issues. In theory, so would Fallen, but since the first issue shipped a month late, I'm doubting issue 5 will actually appear in June. Clobberin' Time's going to have Ben Grimm teaming up with Dr. Doom!

Unstoppable Doom Patrol will be on issue 4, with the team dealing with an entire town that hates them. Immortal Sergeant's up to issue 6, with Michael and his asshole cop dad still butting heads apparently. Grit N' Gears solicits issue 3 for the second time. Very curious to see if that book actually shows up next month like it's supposed to.

Moon Knight is dealing with an old enemy named Morpheus and Sue and Alicia may have to fight mirror universe versions of the rest of the FF in Fantastic Four. Or maybe demonic possession is at hand? The third volume of The Boxer is being solicited. I've read the first volume, not sure how I feel about it. Feels like it's message was, "boxing is for sociopaths."

The most surprising item was Black Jack Demon. When the first three issues came out in 2021, they seemed to be spaced about three months apart, so I was not expecting issue 5 to pop up one month after issue 4.

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