Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sunday Splash Page #327

"Intersection," in Man-Thing #1, by Steve Gerber (writer), Val Mayerick (artist), Sal Trapani (inker), Dave Hunt (colorist), John Costanza (letterer)

The only issue of this I own, courtesy of the first volume of the Howard the Duck Complete Collection. And Howard's only in this for a few pages, as the story carries over from Adventures Into Fear (formerly just Fear.)

Drafted in by the wizard in the pointy hat up there to protect Jennifer Kale, a young girl with immense magical power, Howard, Man-Thing, and the barbarian with the Thor-knockoff helm are hopping from one rock floating in a void to the next. Howard gets a little too lackadaisical and falls into the void, and that's it for his involvement. He'd next appear in Giant-Size Man-Thing, now trapped in a world of hairless apes he'd love to escape.

The rest of the little troupe continue on their way, with the wizard always seeming to have the answer to their problems, just in the nick of time, at least until they run into a big fiery demon (who was previously disguised as an anodyne white guy in a business suit) The swamp monster basically shoves the fire guy in a moat of "pure" water, and that's that. Would that all problems caused by guys with MBAs and oversized egos could be resolved so neatly.

Man-Thing ends up back in his swamp and quickly forgets the entire experience.

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