Friday, February 10, 2006

Dream Weaver

This isn't what I had planned initially, but it was weird, so I thought I'd run with it.

I don't know how many of you remember your dreams. My ability seems to come and go. Last night, I had an odd one involving the JLA. They were in what I guess was a Siberian bar/dance hall/meeting place. Green Arrow was sitting on the bar with his legs crossed (?), and then he tried to hit one of the patrons with a beer bottle. He missed, and I think they kicked his ass. Batman was doing Riverdance, or "Achey, Breaky Heart" or something with his new sidekick, who is roughly his height, but wears a red cape like Power Girl's, has huge frizzy organe hair, and looks like an emaciated crack addict. Then Kyle started tossing people, I assume villains, around with the ring, and the ghost of Firestorm merged with him. Kyle sprouted huge angel wings and just went off on these guys. The scary thing is that his green aura formed a Phoenix shape, and he started screaming about "No friends, no family!" and people started to vanish. Fantastic, my subconscious confused Kyle with Hal.

I have no clue what this means. it isn't my first comic book realted dream, I had one where I had spider-powers and I was fighting Darkseid behind my high school and the world was black and white. Another where Killer Croc tossed me into an operating room in Arkham (clearly I'd watched too much of Batman:The Animated Series)

Anyway, do any of you dream of comic characters? Do they haunt you? Help you? Get helped by you? Am I touching some sort of gateway, that lets me see into their world? And why was Faye Valentine trying to shoot me?


Diamondrock said...

I do in fact dream about comic characters. Though I rarely remember them.

The most recent dream came when I was reading some of Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol.

As you can probably imagine, those were some royally screwed up dreams...

Hale of Angelthorne said...

Could've been worse; you could've been reading Preacher...

James Meeley said...

I had a dream once, where it was reported that Spider-Man had died and the Government had one vial of his blood. They were planning to make a new Spider-Man and held try-outs.

It got down to just me and one other guy. They gave us masks, webshooters and injected us with the blood. We fought it out to see who would be the one. For every attack I made, he had a counter. In the end, I lost to him.

Before he left, though, I demanded to know the face of the man who beat me. So, when he pulled off his mask I saw he was none other than... Peter Parker.

That's always been a favorite superhero related dream of mine. Everyone I tell it to always enjoys the story of it, too.