Monday, March 14, 2011

What's He Do In His Free Time?

This came to me out of the blue yesterday, so let's run with it.

In the Batman Beyond universe/era/continuity, Barda is a member of the Justice League. She's the big gun, or big stick, I guess, if you figure the kid with the power ring is the big gun. What's Scott Free up to? Far as I know he's never been mentioned in the comics or the cartoon.

I doubt he's dead. For one thing, he's Mister Miracle. He'd figure out a way to escape Death, right? Death of the New Gods aside, and that's not in play in this universe that I can see. For another, I'd expect Barda to be a lot grimmer if her husband was dead. Not that she's a barrel of laughs normally, but I'd expect her to be harsher, more abrasive if she'd lost him. I'm sure he and Barda are still together. He doesn't seem to be part of the League, though I'm sure if they asked he'd assist on a case.

Simplest answer is he's still doing the escape artist bit, mostly for kicks. I'd imagine the League has some sort of fund set up so its members don't need regular jobs, which would cover Barda and Scott. That might get dull eventually, if he can't find any new challenges. The other possibility (besides perhaps becoming an instructor and teaching cops or secret agents some of his tricks) is he's a homemaker now. He does the shopping, the cleaning, the cooking, and he's there waiting cheerfully for Barda when she gets home from kicking bad guy tail.


Matthew said...

I can see him as a secret agent on Apokalips by day, then catching the boom tube home to get dinner ready for Barda.

CalvinPitt said...

Matthew: It never occurred to me he'd want to go anywhere near that place again, but I bet he wouldn't turn down the challenge.