Sunday, November 24, 2019

Sunday Splash Page #89

"Whose Book Is This Anyway?" in Black Widow #2, by Marjorie Liu (writer), Daniel Acuna (artist), Nate Piekos (letterer)

This was the first official ongoing series they gave the Black Widow, although she'd had around 4 mini-series over the previous decade. I assume because there was positive response to her appearance in Iron Man 2 that year (2010). I only bought this series within the last few years during one of my back issue hunts.

Naturally, it only lasted 8 issues, because that was normal for Marvel at that time. Nowadays they either make it to 6 or 12. Liu and Acuna left after 5 issues, handing it off to Duane Swierczynski and Manuel Garcia for the last three issues, which led into a Hawkeye/Mockingbird/Black Widow mini-series, Widowmaker, I think I picked up used a few years ago, but have no distinct memories from whatsoever.

Liu and Acuna's story was that someone with a grudge against Natasha has figured out her secrets and is trying to get revenge. Also known as, "plot for 70% of all Black Widow stories." Also, it turns out she's been collecting intel on all the other Avengers and her other allies, so now they all have to wonder if she can be trusted. This is known as "plot for the other 30% of all Black Widow stories."
So I can't say the creative team didn't cover their bases.

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