Monday, August 10, 2020

Relationship Therapy Via Violence

He's someone who understands nunchuks are cool, Bobbi.

New Avengers: The Reunion came out post-Secret Invasion. Mockingbird turned out to not have died sometime during the West Coast Avengers days, instead being replaced by a Skrull (who died). Bobbi is not dealing well with being back home after years spent as a fugitive on the Skrull world, and decides, rather than therapy, to throw herself into intelligence work. In this case, a biological weapon designed by AIM and intended to be unleashed at one of those symposiums for smart folks.

Complicating that plan of avoidance is Hawkeye, currently Ronin, who is both worried about Bobbi and trying to reconnect with her. In typical Clint Barton fashion, he is doing that by persistently trying to get in her business, so that she'll talk to him. Mockingbird eventually remembers that Clint doesn't give up, and grudgingly let him accompany her on the mission.

McCann adds a couple of interesting twists into the time Mockingbird spent as a prisoner. That she escaped confinement and was running loose on the Skrull world. That an imposter Hawkeye, meant to get information out her, hunted her relentlessly. You know, until she killed him. Hey, so that means all her hostility towards Clint about how badly he fucked up the - possibly retconned by Chelsea Cain a couple of years ago - Phantom Rider situation is done! There's also the timing of when, exactly, Mockingbird was replaced, and what that means regarding her and Clint's marriage.
Then Clint's left struggling with what he thought he knew, which turns out to be wrong. He's also dealing with the fact he still carried a lot of guilt over his mistakes and Bobbi's "death" And this time, instead of Mockingbird being drawn into his superheroic world, he's fumbling around in her world of spycraft. You know, where subtlety and controlling your emotions are critical. Yeah, not exactly Clint's strengths.

David Lopez gets to draw a lot of fight scenes, in a variety of settings and scenarios. Clint and Bobbi against a bunch of AIM guys in a hospital. Clint and Bobbi against each other in a storage unit. Clint and Bobbi against a bunch of AIM guys in a fancy dress party. Bobbi against AIM's Scientists Supreme and her teleportation belt. They make for a nice break from the two leads arguing and yelling at each other, Clint putting his foot in his mouth, or Bobbi staving off nervous breakdowns.

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