Tuesday, August 04, 2020

The Legacy of a Whitetail Deer Hunter

Buck (Josh Brolin) is one of those dudes who sells videos of him hunting deer, with his cameraman, Don (Danny McBride). This time, though, it's a very special hunt because Buck is taking his son Jaden to get his first whitetail deer. Which means there's going to be all kinds of father-son bonding!

If Jaden wasn't more worried about being away from his girlfriend. And if Buck wasn't too emotionally constipated to actually talk with his son about any of the kid's problems. So it's one of those deals where the dad has to get over his own shit enough to be able to actually help his son.

Danny McBride provides most of the comedy, since Don is trying to play peacemaker/cool uncle for Jaden. Brolin gives Buck the right amount of well-meaning haplessness, mixed with control issues. You can see the whole thing means a lot to him, and that he really wants to connect with his son, but he can't bend enough to let it happen any way other than how he planned it.

Which feels like an accurate portrayal. The parent wants to share something special, but they want it to be exactly how it was for them when they were that age, whether that matches the child's interests. And the kid can't pull themselves out of their own world enough to really bridge the gap. There's a solid core of something in the movie. Buck doesn't fix all his problems or Jaden's, but the two of them are on steadier ground.

And if you're wondering, I think all the deer we see shot are CGI.

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