Monday, September 06, 2021

God, the Devil, and Fashion

Behold the Staff of God. *snorts and snickers*

I said I'd review the first volume of Eniale & Dewiela soon. Well, it's soon.

The chapters are a mix of the duo getting into trouble while trying to do their respective duties (saving souls for Eniale, buying them for Dewiela), and the two of them getting into trouble while just running around having fun. All the chapters are standalone, although a few of the characters will make a return appearance in volume 3.

Most notable of those is an Interpol agent who is also a trained exorcist. Unlike everyone else, he's convinced a giant poodle appearing in the middle of a city causing and calling forth for "mother" can only be the work of demons. He stumbles across Dewiela's possessed motorcycle while she and Eniale are loose in Paris replacing their wardrobes. He's hard to take seriously, not the least for the fact his robe makes me think he's some dropout from Harry Potter school. Oh, and he chases Dewiela and her blonde "hostage" across the city on a Segway. What a putz.

The other, and more touching, chapter with an eventually returning character involves Maria, a little girl whose mother is sick and dying. The girl has called on any higher or lower power she can, which brings our protagonists to her door. This was one where I really thought Dewiela was going to win, as Eniale admits that she is not an angel with sufficient power to actually do anything. All she can offer is to live a good life and maybe someday God will smile upon blah blah blah. You know what I'm talking about.

That's not how it goes, as Eniale cheats to sort of perform a great miracle on behalf of Maria and her mother, granting them a boon from the Archangel of Death. It's a clever move, but more than a little dishonest. I felt bad for Dewiela. Sure, she took advantage of desperate people in exchange for their souls, but those people made those bargains knowing what they were giving up. It's restraint of fair trade is what it is. Which means God's a socialist, which, yeah, that tracks, contrary to what Fox News and those mega-church dipshits say.

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