Saturday, May 24, 2008

The End Of The Heroclix Crisis Event

And not a moment too soon. I was doing better when it was just random set ups for matches from one weekend to the next. Not great, but better. There was a decent turn out today, six players counting myself. There was speculation that word had gotten around that the Player Who Always Wins has retired from the game, and that's brought more people out. I doubt it, though. More likely it was just a nice confluence of people's schedules.

So for me, I figured what the hey, let's try a sort of JLI team. I don't have Guy Gardner (he's too expensive), so I substituted in the old Kyle Rayner figure to go with Fire, ice, Booster, Beetle, J'onn, and the Creeper. Yeah, he's not really JLI either, but he helped them once, and I needed a team for him. So first I battled Jack, who got to play the team of ring-wielders he wanted to use last week. It was probably a mistake on my part not to have my characters charge up to try and fight in close combat, but it mostly seemed like the rolls went against me (that was the problem all afternoon, really). At one point, I had Kyle and J'onn each use Perplex to lower Power Ring's defense to 15, then attacked him in succession with the Creeper, Booster, Kyle, and J'onn. If any of them had scored a hit, that would have taken care of power Ring. Everybody missed. And we're talking about needed to roll a 6 with two die. That's not hard, or it shouldn't be. I did kill the CSA member eventually, thanks to the Creeper and he picked off Mercury near the end, but I never managed to hit Jack's Kyle Rayner, Hal, or Sinestro. I had a shot at Kyle where I only needed a 6, and I could have potentially done three damage, and I rolled a 5. Figures. Jack eventually finished off my team.

After that it was time for Tim's Justice League team, so I had to look at that damn Hal Jordan figure again, not that he was the problem. Tim had decided to make Kingdom Come Superman his centerpiece, accounting for over a third of the team's points. Naturally, I couldn't hit him to save my life, and it didn't help he killed J'onn by the end of Round 2. I really hate KC Superman. he needs to go back to his shitty dystopian future and quit beating up my Heroclix figures. Between Kyle, the Creeper and Booster, I managed to defeat his Zatanna, then Supes wiped the floor with everyone else. I think Hal was the one to finish Booster though.

Really, if I could have had any success rolling, I think I could have won the third match. Malcolm trotted out the Wrecking Crew, and for the first several rounds, I couldn't hit anyone. Meanwhile, Wrecker was busy pummeling Booster into a bloody smear, and Thunderball was swatting Kyle about the head. Once I started to have some success, things turned around. I was getting some help from Malcolm, who pushes quite frequently (not that I complained, he missed on a lot of those pushes, so his figures were the only ones getting hurt). But still, there were times where Kyle needed a 5 to hit, and I couldn't even get that. J'onn was practically useless, and Beetle mostly helped by keeping the Wrecker, and later Piledriver, busy for awhile trying to swat him with various objects. I guess I was fortunate, because time ran out before they managed to kill the Creeper, making him the only member of my team to survive. Which is a step up from the other two games.

Oh well, better luck in two weeks, I suppose.


SallyP said...

I really don't have the foggiest idea of what you are all doing, but you're having fun, and I suppose that is the main thing.

CalvinPitt said...

sallyp: There are times I'm not sure I know what I'm doing, but fun it is.